东京奥运会开幕在即 运动员还没开赛就先愁上了
东京奥运会开幕在即 运动员还没开赛就先愁上了

Tokyo 2020 Olympics are starting in three weeks. The coronavirus (新冠病毒) is still in many countries. Olympic athletes (运动员) have problems. They cannot get to Tokyo. Some countries have strict rules. People cannot travel there.

For example, Singapore is a very big city. A big airport is there. Many people from Europe travel to Asia through Singapore. Now, people cannot travel through Singapore.

All athletes must have a vaccination (接种疫苗). Some athletes get the coronavirus. They do not know if they can go to Tokyo. Also, athletes usually train in the host city of the Olympics. It is not possible this year. It is very difficult to travel.


1.The passage is mainly about __________.

A the coronavirus

B the travelling problems

C Tokyo 2020 Olympics

D the Olympic athletes’ problems


2.__________ probably doesn’t welcome travellers (旅客) now.

A Tokyo

B Europe

C Singapore

D The coronavirus

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第一段Some countries have strict rules. People cannot travel there.及第二段 Now, people cannot travel through Singapore.可知,有些国家有严格的规定。人们不能去那里旅行。现在,人们不能途径新加坡。由此推断新加坡不欢迎旅客,故选C。

3.We can know that __________ from Paragraph 2.

A Singapore is very small city

B Singapore has a big airport

C people can travel through Singapore

D many people like visiting Singapore

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段A big airport is there.可知,新加坡有一个大机场。故选B。

4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A Some athletes cannot get to Tokyo.

B Some athletes get the coronavirus.

C The coronavirus is still in many countries.

D All athletes must travel through Singapore.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段Many people from Europe travel to Asia through Singapore.可知,许多欧洲人经由新加坡到亚洲。故选D。

5.What can we learn from the text?

A Some countries can’t send athletes.

B Olympic travel is really in trouble.

C Tokyo gets ready for Olympic athletes.

D Olympic athletes can train in Tokyo now.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据最后一段It is very difficult to travel.可知,出行是非常困难的。A、C未提及;D错误。故选B。