
Joseph Diener, 16, and Dominic Viet, 15, were riding their bikes in Columbia, Missouri, on Friday to survey(调查) the damage after a heavy rainfall flooded parts of the city. All of a sudden they heard someone shouting for help.

The young woman was swimming with a friend at Jay Dix Station, where deep floodwaters had covered a basketball court. She was quickly drowning. “The first thing that came into my mind was to get into the water,” Dominic said. “We didn’t have time to think, her head was barely above the water and we could see her sinking more down every second. We didn’t think about the risks, we had to get her out.”

The two said they had the woman grab onto their shoulders because her legs were cramping and they were able to swim back to the shore. “There were some currents(水流) trying to pull us down too, because — I don’t know — it’s not normal water,” Dominic said. “She laid there for about five minutes, coughing up a lot of water and just not moving or talking,” Joseph said.

The woman was sent to a local hospital for check. Assistant Fire Chief Jerry Jenkins added that the woman was expected to be okay, though he did not know her present situation. In recognition of their bravery, the Columbia Fire Department will honor the boys with a “Citizen Life Safety Award” this week.


1.What were Joseph and Dominic doing by bike?

A They were going for a ride.

B They were doing a survey.

C They were looking for something.

D They were travelling around the city.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,约瑟夫·迪纳和多米尼克·维特上周五在密苏里州哥伦比亚市调查强降雨淹没该市部分地区后造成的损失。故选B。

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A The woman’s friend was saving her.

B Dominic made sure the depth of the water.

C The two boys thought of saving the woman first.

D The woman carelessly fell into the water.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段The first thing that came into my mind was to get into the water以及We didn’t think about the risks, we had to get her out.可知,当时两个男孩并没有考虑风险,他们一心想着要把落水者救出来。故选C。

3.Which sentence can best describe the situation at that time?

A The woman’s life was hung by a hair.

B Two boys were as calm as a mirror.

C The woman was skating on thin ice.

D Two boys were like a cat on hot bricks.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段We didn’t have time to think, her head was barely above the water and we could see her sinking more down every second.可知,当时,女子的头刚刚露出水面,她每秒钟都在下沉。由此说明当时情况十分危急,女子命悬一线。故选A。

4.Which of the following is the right order? ①The woman coughed up lots of water. ②The currents often troubled them. ③They tried to swim in the water. ④The woman got ready for swimming.

A ①④③②

B ②①④③

C ①④②③

D ④③②①

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段可知,两个男孩让这名女子抓住他们的肩膀,因为她的腿抽筋,这样,他们可以游回岸边。一些水流试图把他们也拉下去。得救后,女子躺在原地大约5分钟,咳出很多水,只是一动不动,也不说话。故选D。

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A The woman was in good condition now.

B Two boys won an award for their action.

C Jerry Jenkins made some information public.

D Local Fire Department visited the woman in hospital.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据最后一段Assistant Fire Chief Jerry Jenkins added that the woman was expected to be okay, though he did not know her present situation.可知,助理消防队长杰里·詹金斯补充道,这名女子预计会没事,不过他不知道她目前的状况。由此说明他公开了一些信息。故选C。