
This band is made up of a 2-year-old girl and a 5-year-old dog? That’s right, a cute kid from South Africa and her best friend, a dog named Zara, are the cutest viral superstars we’ve seen in quite some time.

Their friendship began the moment Gia was born. Zara has always been protective of her human little sister, and they have been “two peas in a pod” from minute one. “She just knew that Gia was the newest member of the pack, and she just knew to protect her,” their mom Stacey said. “They’ve kind of just naturally grown up as sisters.”

The two of them do absolutely everything together, from playing to swimming or just hanging out at home. Gia loves Zara so much that her first word was actually “pup”. “They want to be together all the time,” Stacey added.

Last year, Stacey gave Gia a microphone for Christmas. As the little girl started experimenting with the instrument, mostly just making wordless noises into the microphone, everyone was surprised to hear Zara join in! Stacey said Zara has “always been vocal,” but she’d never heard the dog howl along to music the way she does whenever Gia sings.

The mom couldn’t help sharing videos of Zara and Gia singing together online, and they’ve gone viral! “I’m still trying to work out who’s the lead, because at the moment they kind of fight for that top spot,” Stacey said with a laugh. “Zara loves the limelight, and I think so does Gia.”


1.When did Gia get the microphone?

A On her birthday.

B On Christmas.

C After she was born.

D When she sang a song.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第四段Last year, Stacey gave Gia a microphone for Christmas.可知,去年圣诞史黛丝送给吉娅一个麦克风。故选B。

2.What did Zara do when Gia was using the microphone?

A She was afraid to leave away.

B She stayed beside and fell asleep.

C She followed Gia as an example.

D She learned to hold the microphone.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,当吉娅开始尝试这种乐器时,几乎只是对着麦克风发出无歌词的噪音,大家都很惊讶扎拉也加入了进来!这条狗狗会在吉娅每次唱歌时都随音乐嚎叫。故选C。

3.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A Gia and Zara live together.

B Gia and Zara look the same.

C Gia and Zara love each other.

D Gia and Zara are always together.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段Zara has always been protective of her human little sister及第三段The two of them do absolutely everything together可知,扎拉一直在保护她的人类妹妹,她俩一起做任何事情,说明她俩形影不离。two peas in a pod“一个豆荚里的两颗豌豆”,通常用来形容两个人长得像,或性格、性情及兴趣相投,指亲密无间,形影不离。故选D。

4.How did Stacey respond to the scene in front of her?

A She thought it funny.

B She couldn’t stop laughing.

C She helped play the music.

D She filmed videos of Zara and Gia.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段The mom couldn’t help sharing videos of Zara and Gia singing together online可知,史黛丝忍不住在网上分享了扎拉和吉娅一起唱歌的视频。由此推断当史黛丝面对眼前发生的一幕时,她拍摄了扎拉和吉娅的视频,故选D。

5.Which of the following can best describe Gia and Zara?

A The new superstars.

B The dream team.

C The best partners.

D The golden band.
