联邦快递司机英勇无畏 奋力帮助一家人逃离火海
联邦快递司机英勇无畏 奋力帮助一家人逃离火海

Rashad Conwell has worked as a FedEx driver for eight years now. He has gotten to know the people who live along his regular route in Tega Cay, South Carolina, by name. He even knows who is typically home during the day and who is not.

On a recent Tuesday afternoon, Rashad was out on deliveries when he saw something awry at one of the homes. There was smoke billowing out from the garage. Knowing this family is typically home during the day, Rashad leapt from his truck and ran to the front door.

When the resident opened the door, she thought he was delivering a package. Instead, she got the shock of her life. Ma’am, your house is on fire!” Rashad told her. He helped her and her grandchild escape from the house, and within minutes, the whole garage was in flames.

Another man working in the neighborhood saw the smoke and ran to warn the homeowners as well. Randy Mohammad rang their doorbell and told them what he’d seen, leading a resident named John to leave the room over the garage where he’d been working.

It was so hot. I have burns on my nose and on my face, I just ran down the side of the driveway to get away from it,” John said. “If they didn’t knock on the door to tell us to get out, I would have been sitting in that room above the garage.”

Thanks to Rashad and Randy’s bravery, John, his wife, their grandson, and their dog all made it out alive. Their home is a total loss, but they feel incredibly fortunate to have escaped thanks to the kindness of two strangers.


1.According to Paragraph 1, we know that __________.

A local people used to ask Rashad for help

B FedEx drivers all know Rashad Conwell

C Rashad Conwell works best in his company

D Rashad Conwell is familiar with Tega Cay

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段可知,拉沙德·康威尔已经认识了住在南卡罗来纳州的特加礁街道(Tega Cay)的那些居民。他甚至知道白天谁在家,谁不在家。由此说明他对那里相当熟悉,故选D。

2.Which of the following is the place on fire?

A John’s garage.

B Rashad’s truck.

C John’s neighbor’s home.

D The front door of a house.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第二段There was smoke billowing out from the garage.及第三段...and within minutes, the whole garage was in flames.可知,着火地点在车库,下文提示这个车库的主人是约翰。故选A。

3.What can we learn about Randy Mohammad?

A He is one of John’s neighbors.

B He is an another delivery driver.

C He turns out a helpful stranger.

D He rescued John out of his room.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第四段及最后一段...thanks to the kindness of two strangers.可知,另一名在社区工作的男子兰迪·穆罕默德看到浓烟,按了门铃,告诉屋里人他所看到的一切,领着约翰离开了他一直工作的车库上方的房间。而他与约翰素不相识。故选C。

4.What’s the end of the story?

A John was seriously hurt in the terrible fire.

B The Johns lost their home but survived the fire.

C Rashad and Randy got thanks from the Johns.

D The neighborhood started a donation for John’s family.
