
When Myles Eckert found $20 in the parking lot, he first thought about the video games that he could buy. Twenty dollars is a fortune in the eyes of an 8-year-old, after all. But, when Myles walked inside the Cracker Barrel and noticed the man in the uniform, he changed his mind. What he did next brought people to tears, and has inspired millions around the country.

Myles walked up to Lt. Colonel Frank Dailey and handed him the $20 wrapped in this note.

Dear soldier,

My dad was a soldier. He’s in heaven now. I found this $20 in the parking lot when we got here. We like to pay it forward(把爱传出去) in my family. It’s your lucky day!

Thank you for your service.

Myles Eckert, A gold star kid

After this remarkable story was told in all parts of the country, people started sending Myles $20. But instead of taking any money, the Eckerts directed those donations to different charities that help kids who have lost a parent to war. To date, donations in total reach up to more than $2,000,000.


1.What did Myles Eckert do with the twenty-dollar note(钞票)?

A He saved it for his family.

B He bought the video games.

C He gave it to Frank Dailey.

D He donated it to someone in need.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段Myles walked up to Lt. Colonel Frank Dailey and handed him the $20 wrapped in this note.可知,迈尔斯走到弗兰克·戴利中校(Lt. Colonel Frank Dailey)跟前,将包在纸条内的20美元递给了他。故选C。

2.The underlined part refers to ______.

A a policeman

B Myles’s father

C Frank Dailey

D the owner of $20

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据下文可知,迈尔斯当时遇到的那个人是弗兰克·戴利中校,他身为军人,应该是身着制服。故选C。

3.How did people feel about Myles’s action?

A Excited.

B Moved.

C Doubted.

D Amazed.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段What he did next brought people to tears…可知,迈尔斯接下来的所作所为让人们热泪盈眶,由此推断人们是因该事迹感人而流泪的,故选B。

4.What can we know from the note?

A Myles’s father passed away.

B Myles’s hoped to be a soldier.

C Myles had good family education.

D Myles should pay the parking lot $20.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据纸条内容My dad was a soldier. He’s in heaven now.可知,迈尔斯爸爸是个军人,他现在天堂里,即他的父亲已经去世了。故选A。

5.Who will benefit(受益)all the donations in the end?

A The Eckerts.

B Different charities.

C The soldiers in Myles’s country.

D The kids losing a parent in the war.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段But instead of taking any money, the Eckerts directed those donations to different charities that help kids who have lost a parent to war.可知,埃克特一家没有拿走这些钱,他们把这些捐款捐给不同的慈善机构,帮助那些在战争中失去父母的孩子们。故选D。