
Six years ago, Kaya Kristina of Toronto, Canada, noticed that a lot of the dogs leaving the dog park next to her house looked hot, tired, and thirsty. As a pet parent herself, Kaya took it upon herself to put out a bowl of water with a note that read, “For thirsty dogs.” Soon, her neighbors discovered the bowl and started stopping by to say hi. One person even sent her a cute thank-you note!

“One day, I got a card from someone in my mailbox,” Kaya said. “It had a picture of their dog on the front and it was written from the point of view of the dog saying thank you for the water. I put the picture up on my fridge and it made me really happy.”

So when boredom set in during the COVID-19 lockdowns in her city, Kaya took her kindness up a notch. She designated her own dog, Molly Meatlog, as the manager of High Park’s newest and hottest doggy cafe, which she called StarPups Coffee. Kaya bagged up individual treat bags and wrote out a little menu. She provided regular Milk-Bones along with some all-natural snacks made in Canada.

When the dogs and their parents saw what she’d done, they started coming around every day. That’s when Kaya realized how lonely other people must have been feeling, particularly those who only have their pets for company. Luckily, the dog cafe became a perfect way to interact with others in a safe, socially distanced way!

“It was so cute seeing the dogs go by and pulling their owners to my house to go get a snack,” Kaya said. The dog mom started an Instagram for all “The Pups of High Park” and encouraged her neighbors to share pictures of their dogs enjoying the cafe. The project became a welcome diversion during a difficult time, and Kaya looked forward to seeing new dogs pass by every day.


1.What did Kaya Kristina do six years ago?

A She left some food for the pets.

B She sent a thank-you note to someone.

C She provided water for thirsty dogs.

D She helped her neighbors look after dogs.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段As a pet parent herself, Kaya took it upon herself to put out a bowl of water with a note that read, “For thirsty dogs.”可知,作为一个宠物家长,卡娅主动拿出一碗水,上面写着“给口渴的狗”。故选C。

2.Which of the following warmed Kaya?

A Her neighbors’ greeting.

B A card in her mailbox.

C The picture of her dog.

D The visit of thirsty dogs.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,有一天,卡娅邮箱里收到一张陌生人寄的卡片。它的正面有一张他们的狗的照片,卡片是从狗的角度写的,说谢谢她的水。这让卡娅非常高兴。故选B。

3.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A Kaya worked as a café manager.

B Molly Meatlog provided service.

C Kaya set up a coffee shop for dogs.

D StarPups Coffee treated dog owners well.

解析:选C。C 词意指代题。根据第三段She designated her own dog, Molly Meatlog, as the manager of High Park’s newest and hottest doggy cafe, which she called StarPups Coffee.可知,卡娅指定自己的狗狗莫莉·米特洛格(Molly Meatlog)为狗狗最新开设的且最热门的咖啡店的经理,由此推断卡娅把她的好意提档是指她开设狗狗咖啡店这件事情。故选C。

4.What is doomed to happen in StarPups Coffee in the following days?

A Social media will come to interview Kaya.

B More and more dog owners will visit that place.

C Kaya will continue providing dogs with service.

D Kaya’s neighbours will share dogs’ pictures online.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据最后一段The project became a welcome diversion during a difficult time, and Kaya looked forward to seeing new dogs pass by every day.可知,这个项目在困难时期成为一个受欢迎的消遣,卡娅期待着每天看到新的狗狗经过。由此推断她会继续为狗狗们提供服务。故选C。