

Ling Jihua was degraded in 2012 after reports that his son had died crashing his Ferrari sports car in Beijing. 

The Global Times describes the case as "another milestone in China's rule of law".

"Mr Ling's fall sends a strong signal to the public that the anti-graft endeavor will be a long-running undertaking. No matter how powerful or high-ranking a government official is, there is no chance they will find immunity from the punishment they deserve," says the daily. 

The article also hints that Mr Ling might be involved in "family corruption", where one uses connections to help family members and relatives to gain wealth. It is very likely that Mr Ling also used his power to help his family cover up their dirty deeds," it says.

Li Chengyan, an expert on public governance at Peking University, tells the Chinese edition of the paper that the fall of Mr Ling is a "signal" that the anti-graft effort will not be stopped.

Also commending the anti-graft effort, an article in the Eastday Net calls for a more comprehensive anti-graft system to "eliminate corruption at its roots".

"Under such a system, the law will be above everybody, and everything will be transparent and fair," says the article.

The Legal Daily agrees that the lack of regulations and transparency are some of the reasons that have allowed "family corruption" to take place.


1.When was Ling Jihua first punished?

A In 2012.

B Several days ago.

C Several months ago.

D Several weeks ago.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第一段Ling Jihua was degraded in 2012…可知,故选A。

2.“Anti-graft endeavour” has the same meaning as__________in the passage.

A milestone

B corruption

C anti-graft effort

D transparency

解析:选C。C 语义推测题。anti-graft endeavor指反腐力度、反腐努力程度相当于第五段中anti-graft effort故选C。

3.Who can be the “big tiger” in the passage ?

A Li Chengyan.

B Xi Jinping.

C Ling Jihua.

D The Global Times.

解析:选C。C 政治常识题。“大老虎”现今在中国特指位高权重的“大贪官、大腐败分子”故选C。

4.What do we need to found a transparent and fair society?

A Power.

B Connections.

C Laws.

D Wealth.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。建立透明公正的社会需要的不是权力、关系与金钱,而是法律,故选C。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A Another milestone in China's rule of law.

B Ling Jihua’s story.

C A study of Li Chengyan.

D Family corruption in China.

解析:选A。A 文章标题题。令计划的落马是法制中国进程的又一个里程碑,文章围绕这一中心展开,最契合标题;而令计划的故事、北京大学专家的研究、中国家族腐败不契合文章中心,故选A。