
Lanlan has got 50 yuan. She can buy a new bag now. This red bag is very nice. Wow, it costs 180 yuan. It’s too expensive. This yellow bag costs 20 yuan. It’s beautiful. And this blue bag costs 30 yuan. She can buy two bags.

1.How much money (钱) has Lanlan got?

A 60 yuan.

B 50 yuan.

C 40 yuan.

D 20 yuan.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据Lanlan has got 50 yuan.可知兰兰有50元。故选B。

2.How much is the red bag?

A 50 yuan.

B 180 yuan.

C 20 yuan.

D 30 yuan.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据This red bag is very nice. Wow, it costs 180 yuan.可知红色的包包价钱为180元。

3.The blue bag is ________.

A 50 yuan.

B 180 yuan.

C 20 yuan.

D 30 yuan.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据And this blue bag costs 30 yuan.可知蓝色的包包价格为30元。故选D。

4.Lanlan can buy ________.

A a red bag and a blue bag

B two blue bags

C three yellow bags

D a yellow bag and a blue bag

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据This yellow bag costs 20 yuan.和And this blue bag costs 30 yuan. She can buy two bags.可知黄色的包包20元,蓝色的包包30元,兰兰有50元,故兰兰可以买一个黄色包包和一个蓝色包包,故选D。