
A small child has an exhibition for his art. His name is Rayan. He is from Syria. People think that he is the youngest artist in Syria. He is five years old.

He starts to paint when he is two years old. His grandfather teaches him. His grandfather says that his grandson is very good at painting. He still has things to learn.

His grandfather says that his grandson knows how to paint shadows(阴影). He uses two colors when he wants to paint a shadow on a face. One color is for a light side. One color is for a dark side.

1.Where does Rayan come from?

A France.

B America.

C Australia.

D Syria.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段 He is from Syria.可知,雷恩来自叙利亚,故选D。

2.What does Rayan do?

A He is a student.

B He is a painter.

C He is a singer.

D He is a dancer.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段People think that he is the youngest artist in Syria.可知,人们认为雷恩是叙利亚最年轻的画家,故选B。

3.When did Rayan begin to paint?

A At the age of 2.

B At the age of 3.

C At the age of 4.

D At the age of 5.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第二段He starts to paint when he is two years old.可知,雷恩两岁时开始画画,故选A。

4.Who is Rayan’s first teacher of painting?

A His father.

B His mother.

C His grandfather.

D Rayan himself.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段His grandfather teaches him. 可知,雷恩的爷爷教他画画,故选C。

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A Rayan often learns things quickly.

B Two colours are enough for a painting.

C Rayan does well in painting shadows.

D Rayan’s grandfather isn’t good at painting.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,雷恩的爷爷说自己的孙子知道如何画阴影部分,当雷恩想在脸部画一个阴影时,他会使用两种颜色。由此说明雷恩对于画阴影部分很在行。故选C。