
During a shift (轮班)at Apple Cart in Peterborough, chef Liam Sidaway had his bike stolen. It was his only way of transportation. “My bike had unfortunately been stolen while on shift, and I used it to get around and to and from work. It caused a big reaction around the local community when it was posted on social media,” Sidaway said.

When Daniel Selcraig saw the post on Facebook, he was reminded of his own bike theft when he was starting out. “When I was younger and working at my first job, I saved up hundreds of pounds to buy a brand new bike. Within two weeks of getting it, I left work to find my lock cut on the floor and the bike gone,” Selcraig said. “This was so upsetting and to this day I can still remember the awful feeling of seeing it had gone. When I heard about Liam’s story, I knew I couldn’t ignore it and knew that something had to be done for him.”

Selcraig, who owns Elite Lawn Maintenance, ordered a better model of the bike that was stolen and dropped it off at the pub for Sidaway. “We are just a small family-run lawn care business who on this occasion could afford to help someone in a terrible situation out,” said Selcraig. “If we can, we will always help our local community as they have been so supportive with our business adventure since we started in 2019.”


1.When was Liam Sidaway’s bike missing?

A When it was parked at his home.

B After it was parked on the street.

C When he was working at Apple Cart.

D Before he was ready to change a shift.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段During a shift (轮班)at Apple Cart in Peterborough, chef Liam Sidaway had his bike stolen.可知,在彼得伯勒市的Apple Cart(酒吧)轮班中,即在工作期间,厨师利亚姆·西达威(Liam Sidaway)的自行车被偷了。故选C。

2.What did Sidaway do after his bike was stolen?

A He called 119 right away.

B He had to buy a new one.

C He told it to Daniel Selcraig.

D He put a post on social media.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段It caused a big reaction around the local community when it was posted on social media可知,这件事在社交媒体上发布后,在当地社区引起很大反响。故选D。

3.Which of the following experiences happened to Selcraig?

A He lost his own bike in the past.

B He owned the same bike as Sidaway’s.

C He knew Sidaway when he was young.

D He once worked in Sidaway’s working place.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段Within two weeks of getting it, I left work to find my lock cut on the floor and the bike gone可知,塞尔克雷格在购买了自行车的两个星期内,有一次他下班后,发现地板上的锁被割开了,自行车也不见了,由此说明他过去也有过丢自行车的经历。故选A。

4.What can we know from the passage?

A Liam’s story reminded people of the bike’s safety.

B The bike theft often happens in the local community.

C Selcraig’s company often offers jobs to someone in need.

D The experience of losing his bike is unforgettable to Selcraig.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第二段This was so upsetting and to this day I can still remember the awful feeling of seeing it had gone.可知,直到今天塞尔克雷格还记得看到自行车消失的那种糟糕的感觉。由此说明塞尔克雷格丢自行车的经历至今仍让他记忆犹新。故选D。