

This year has seen a rush in the popularity of smart gadgets, with items like 3D printers making it onto Christmas lists for the first time. The trend is a sign of the way technology will accelerate in 2015, according to futurologist Dr James Bellini. 

“The centerpiece of our future is rapidly becoming the digital hub for our increasingly connected lives,” he said. “Our homes are set to be enriched further by energy; from high-tech gadgets and appliances to smart devices.”

Dr Bellini claimed a recent report showed that the average home was transforming, as consumer buying habits changed. The report found that in 2015, the most wanted products will be 3D printers, followed by smart devices that connect to our phones - primarily thermostats and security systems, as well as solar-powered chargers.

3D printing is a technology moving further into the mainstream, with the first artificial limbs created from 3D printers being used on patients this year. Not only are the devices now on sale in retailers, but there are multiple mobile apps that enable users to create and buy figures and toys that are printed in 3D. 

“3D has been described as the biggest economic revolution since Henry Ford introduced production line manufacturing in the 1900s,” Dr Bellini said. “NASA already use it to turn out rocket parts; they are also developing ways to deploy 3D technology to produce on-board meals for the manned Mars missions planned for 2030 and beyond. Nutritionists are looking at ways of printing food items for the elderly to match individual nutritional/dietary needs. And although it’s early days for 3D printed pizzas and chocolate, it won’t be long before every home has gone 3D.”

The report also found that one of the products people were most looking forward to having in their home were domestic robots, with 26 per cent of those surveyed highlighting humanoids as a desirable product in years to come.

Technology giant Honda already has a domestic robot, Asimo, who can remember faces and serve drinks, and made its first appearance in Europe this year.


1.What will our homes be like in the future?

A Our homes will be using 3 D printers to produce meals for the family.

B Our homes will be controlled by a digital hub with robots working around.

C Our homes will be equipped with high-tech tools as well as smart devices.

D Our homes will be filled with 3 D printers, thermostats and solar-powered chargers.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。文章第二段介绍了未来家庭的特点:Our homes are set to be… from high-tech gadgets and appliances to smart devices,即高科技产品与智能产品将成为未来家庭的主流装备。

2.What is the significance of the first artificial limbs created from 3D printers?

A 3D technology has gained popularity in other areas.

B Figures and toys printed in 3 D have been very popular.

C The biggest economic revolution has started since Henry Ford.

D Space technology has been pushed forward.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据文章第四段3D printing is a technology moving further into the mainstream判断,由于3D打印身体器官的应用,3D技术逐步为人们所认识,并得到普及,成为应用广泛的主流技术。

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A 3D technology will cause a revolution in space exploration.

B The biggest economic revolution started from the year 1900.

C We will live on 3D printed foods in the near future.

D People can buy 3D printed pizzas and chocolates in shops.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据文章第五段专家对3D打印食品的展望it won’t be long before every home has gone 3D判断,未来我们将生活在以3D打印食品为主食的时代。

4.What can be the best title of the passage?

A 3D Printed Foods Meet Nutritional Needs.

B 3D Technology Will Be Widely Used in Future Life.

C Astronauts Will Eat 3D Meals on Mars Mission.

D Domestic Robots Will Help out Housework in Future.

解析:选B。B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了3D技术在未来生活中的应用情况,故选B。

5.What is the author’s attitude toward our increasingly connected lives?

A Suspicious.

B Concerned.

C Pessimistic.

D Expectant.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据文章中mainstream, looking forward to, desirable等词汇的应用可知作者对于未来数字驱动的生活是非常向往的。