
Michael Packard, 56, said after he left from Cape Cod Hospital that he was about 45 feet deep in the waters off Provincetown when all of a sudden “I felt this huge bump, and everything went dark”. He thought he had been attacked by a shark but then realized he could not feel any teeth and he wasn’t in any pain. It quickly dawned on him that he had been swallowed(吞下) by a whale.

“I could sense I was moving, and I could feel the whale squeezing with the muscles in his mouth,” Packard said. “I was completely inside; it was completely black. I thought to myself, ‘there’s no way I’m getting out of here. I’m done, I’m dead.” All I could think of was my boys — they’re 12 and 15 years old.”

Then the whale surfaced, shook its head, and spit him out. “I saw light, and he started throwing his head side to side, and the next thing that I knew I was outside in the water,” said Packard.

He was rescued by his crewmate(同船工作的船员) in the surface boat. Packard was released from Cape Cod Hospital Friday afternoon with what he described as “a lot of soft tissue damage(组织损伤)” but no broken bones. He said he’d return to diving as soon as he got well again.


1.What does the underlined part refer to?

A The wave.

B The shark.

C The attack.

D The whale.

解析:选D。D 词意指代题。根据第一段It quickly dawned on him that he had been swallowed(吞下) by a whale.可知,帕卡德很快就明白自己被鲸鱼吞了下去,因此推断,划线部分应该是指鲸鱼。故选D。

2.Which is the right order according to the passage? ① Packard got ideas into his head. ②The whale swallowed Packard. ③Packard’s crewmate saved him. ④Packard came to the water surface.

A ②④①③

B ②①④③

C ①④②③

D ②③①④

解析:选B。B 逻辑顺序题。根据全文可知,帕卡德在被鲸鱼吞下后,就开始胡思乱想起来,幸运的是,鲸鱼没有吃他,而是把他吐了出来,他浮上水面,最终被同船工作的船员救起。故选B。

3.What did he think most about in the whale’s mouth?

A His wife.

B The way out.

C His two kids.

D The coming death.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第二段All I could think of was my boys — they’re 12 and 15 years old.可知,帕卡德能想到的只有他的两个孩子,故选C。

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A The whale gave up Packard in the end.

B Packard lost sense in the whale’s mouth.

C Packard’s crewmate drove the whale away.

D Packard hardly moved because of the water pressure.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据第三段Then the whale surfaced, shook its head, and spit him out.可知,鲸鱼浮出水面,摇摇头,把他吐了出来。故选A。