
Lex Moran says she makes it a point to take care of Joe whenever their paths cross. “When I pull up, I try to feed him, give him a little money, make sure he has clothes and whatever he needs just to maintain through that day,” Moran said.

On Sunday, the 29-year-old woman saw Joe at a bus stop in the Taylor Berry neighborhood and he mentioned that he wanted a haircut. “He was talking about how his hair was longer and it was tickling his ears,” Moran said. Lucky for Joe, she had just taken and passed her barber board exam that day and her supplies were already in the car. Moran says a near-death experience in 2016 changed her view on life. She was shot three times while standing on her porch(走廊). The incident resulted in an 8-hour operation, a 10-day hospital stay, and physical and emotional recovery. She hopes to lead by example and send the message that the world can always use more love and compassion.

“I’ve gotten so much love from just helping Joe and it’s almost unbelievable that it’s love out here in a world of so much negativity and so many shootings and killings,” she said. “If I can just be a little hope and a little change and a little love that is in the community, maybe I can lead other people to do the exact same thing as I am.”


1.What is the need of Joe on that day?

A A haircut.

B The food supply.

C The clothes supply.

D Some money wanted.

解析:选A。A 细节理解题。根据文章第二段On Sunday, the 29-year-old woman saw Joe at a bus stop in the Taylor Berry neighborhood and he mentioned that he wanted a haircut.可知,莱克斯·莫兰在社区的一个公共汽车站看见乔, 乔提出需要理发。故选A。

2.What can we know about Lex Moran ?

A She worked as a barber.

B She was saved by Joe in the past.

C She volunteered to help Joe for nothing.

D She kept doing good deeds for many years.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据全文可知,莱克斯·莫兰与流浪汉乔素昧平生,但她坚持力所能及地去帮助他,并不求回报。由此说明她自愿无偿地帮助乔。故选C。

3.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A The traffic accident.

B The serious disease.

C The shooting incident.

D The long time operation.

解析:选C。C 词意指代题。根据第二段She was shot three times while standing on her porch.The incident resulted in an 8-hour operation, a 10-day hospital stay, and physical and emotional recovery.可知,她站在自家的门廊时中了三枪,导致她做了8小时的手术,住院10天。由此推断该濒死经历是指那起枪击事件,故选C。

4.Which of the follow is probably Moran’s view?

A There is always true love in the world.

B We can do something to make difference to others.

C The world is full of danger, so we should be more careful.

D If everyone gives a little love, the world will be a better place.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段She hopes to lead by example and send the message that the world can always use more love and compassion.可知,她希望以身作则,传递这样一个信息:世界总是可以利用更多的爱和同情。由此推断她希望每个人都给予一点爱,让这个世界变得更加美好。故选D。