
Fourteen years ago, Maria Eduarda de Castro Pinheiro was a 7-year-old girl getting treatment for kidney cancer(肾癌) at Hospital Brasília in Brazil. The regimen was successful, and she grew up to become a ballet(芭蕾) teacher! Even after all this time, she has never forgotten the care and kindness that she experienced in the hospital.

Maria has always wanted to return to thank the staff members and encourage the kids who are now receiving cancer treatment. At 21, she finally did just that! “I dreamed of this for a long time,” she said. “I always felt very grateful for them healing me and wanted to bring hope and encouragement to children who are in the same situation as I was once.”

Luckily, she met a friend whose mother works in the hospital. “I talked about my story and my dream of returning,” Maria said. “She made it possible.” So Maria visited them as a ballet dancer and danced to parts of “Swan Lake” as caregivers(护理人员) and patients looked on in admiration. We’re sure her talent and good health brought hope to everyone there that day!


1.Maria was in hospital for treatment______.

A when she was in kindergarten

B when she was in primary school

C when she was in middle school

D when she was in high school

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据文第一段Fourteen years ago, Maria Eduarda de Castro Pinheiro was a 7-year-old girl getting treatment for kidney cancer(肾癌) at Hospital Brasília in Brazil.可知,玛丽亚当时7岁,应该是小学适龄儿童,由此推断她在上小学,故选B。

2.What does the underlined sentence show us?

A She is easily moved.

B She has a good memory.

C She is thankful to the hospital.

D She is pleased with her treatment.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据下文可知,玛丽亚一直想回来感谢工作人员,由此推断她一直心存感激之情。故选C。

3.What’s the purpose for Maria to return to the hospital? a.To go for treatment again. b.To do some voluntary work. c.To encourage children with cancer. d.To thank the medical workers in person.

A a;b

B c;d

C a;b;c

D a;b;c;d

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段Maria has always wanted to return to thank the staff members and encourage the kids who are now receiving cancer treatment.可知,玛丽亚一直想回来感谢工作人员,并且鼓励目前正在接受癌症治疗的孩子们。故选B。

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the last paragraph?

A All the people at the scene were moved by Maria’s dance.

B Maria performed the ballet “Swan Lake” with her partner.

C Maria carefully picked out gifts and sent them to caregivers.

D Maria realized her dream with the help of her friend’s mother.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据最后一段Luckily, she met a friend whose mother works in the hospital. “I talked about my story and my dream of returning,” Maria said. “She made it possible.”可知,玛丽亚遇到了一个朋友,而朋友的母亲就在这家医院工作,最终帮助她实现了愿望,故选D。