
Anthony Caere always knew he wanted to find a job where he could combine his two passions: flying airplanes and helping wildlife. He found that calling in the jungles of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where he works with the rangers(护林员) of Virunga National Park to fly orphaned baby chimpanzees(黑猩猩) to safety, was exactly what he had been looking for .

The pilot has been evacuating animals from the park for the past seven years. He’s even helped set up a flight school to train others to complete medical evacuations and supply flights. But one of his greatest honors is flying orphaned baby chimpanzees to safety.

Sadly, it’s not uncommon for the rangers to find orphaned chimpanzees in the jungle. The endangered animals are hunted by poachers(偷猎者) for meat, leaving their babies scared and alone in the wilderness. If the rangers don’t reach them in time, the little ones often die or are sold as pets for private, illegal zoos.

In 2016, Anthony transported his first baby chimp to Lwiro Primates, an animal sanctuary and chimpanzee orphanage. He quickly learned that the baby was much calmer and less stressed during the flight when he held them on his lap while flying.

Now, his tender loving care actually starts days before the flight. He spends time bonding with the babies, feeding them bottles and fruit, and gaining their trust. “I never take them immediately to the plane, because I always avoid to put them in a cage,” he said. “I try to take them on my lap because flying in a plane, for a baby chimpanzee, is very stressful.”

Once on board, the babies are curious about the lights, switches, and gadgets around them, but eventually they calm down. Most of the time, they actually end up sleeping through the whole flight! “It’s just like a normal human baby,” Anthony said. “They want to get close, they want to feel you, and then they are calm.”


1.Which of the following is an ideal career for Anthony Caere?

A To be a hunter for poachers.

B To be a safeguard of wildlife.

C To be a pilot helping wild animals.

D To be a ranger of Virunga National Park.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段Anthony Caere always knew he wanted to find a job where he could combine his two passions: flying airplanes and helping wildlife.可知,安东尼·凯尔(Anthony Caere)一直知道他想找一份可以把他的两种爱好结合起来的工作:驾驶飞机和帮助野生动物。故选C。

2.Which of the following tasks probably satisfied Anthony Caere most?

A Setting up a flight school.

B Giving training to local people.

C Taking care of animals from the park.

D Transporting baby chimpanzees to safe places.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第二段But one of his greatest honors is flying orphaned baby chimpanzees to safety.可知,但安东尼最大的光荣之一就是让孤儿幼猩猩飞到安全的地方。故选D。

3.What will happen if the baby chimpanzees are left alone in the wild?

A They can survive to dawn in the wild.

B They will be killed by other fierce animals.

C They will be hunted by poachers for meat.

D They are likely to face death or be for sale.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第三段If the rangers don’t reach them in time, the little ones often die or are sold as pets for private, illegal zoos.可知,如果护林员没有及时找到他们,这些小家伙通常会死掉,或者被当作宠物卖给私人的非法动物园。故选D。

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A Baby chimpanzees don’t need special care in the flight.

B Anthony came up with ways to deal with baby chimpanzees.

C Anthony taught himself how to take care of baby chimpanzees.

D Everything in the plane makes baby chimpanzees calm and easy.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第四段和第五段可知,安东尼花时间和黑猩猩宝宝在一起,给它们喂奶瓶和水果,赢得他们的信任。他从不马上把它们带上飞机,他总是避免把它们关在笼子里。他试着把它们放在腿上,结果效果很好,黑猩猩宝宝变得比较平静。由此说明安东尼想出各种办法与黑猩猩宝宝打交道。故选B。