7岁男孩游泳1英里上岸 成功求助营救家人
7岁男孩游泳1英里上岸 成功求助营救家人

Chase Poust and his 4-year-old sister, Abigail, were swimming at the side of their fathers anchored boat on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida, on Friday night. But as the two children enjoyed their time in the water, Abigail lost hold of the boat when they were caught in a strong current (水流).

Steven Proust, their father, jumped into the water to save them but they got overpowered (压制) by the strong current. “I told them both I loved them, because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. And I tried to stick with her as long as I could and both of them, really. I wore myself out. And she drifted (漂流) away from me,” he said.

Steven told Chase to swim to shore. Thats when the 7-year-old began the long, 1-mile swim back to land, switching between floating on his back and dog paddling. Once he reached shore, Chase ran to the nearest home that he could find. Florida Fish and Wildlife finally found Steven and Abigail after an hour-long search.

Were here. By the grace of God, were here, Steven said. Little man ... made it to shore and got help, and thats what saved our lives.


1.What was happening when the strong current came?

A The family were enjoying their time on the boat.

B Chase’s father was rowing a boat.

C Abigail fell down into the river suddenly.

D Chase and his sister were swimming in the water.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段But as the two children enjoyed their time in the water, Abigail lost hold of the boat when they were caught in a strong current (水流).可知,蔡斯·普鲁斯特(Chase Poust)和他4岁的妹妹阿比盖尔(Abigail)在河里游泳,突然湍急的水流涌了过来,故选D。

2.Steven Proust tried to save his kids, but ended up with ________.

A regret

B failure

C sadness

D complaint

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第二段可知,父亲史蒂芬·普鲁斯特(Steven Proust)跳入水中试图救两个孩子,但他们被强大的水流压制。由此说明父亲的营救最终失败了。故选B。

3.Why did Chase try his best to swim to shore?

A To return home alone.

B To prove his ability to his dad.

C To ask others for help.

D To escape from the dangerous situation.


4.What’s the end of the family?

A They lost their members.

B They were safe and sound.

C They became famous in local area.

D They were interviewed by the media.
