
It is cold tonight, I was rugged up as I walked through the car park of my local Woolies. A few steps ahead of me were 2 police officers heading straight for a homeless man sitting at the entry. He had a handwritten sign requesting spare change so he could get some food. It’s not unusual to see someone less fortunate at the entry, it happens all the time, sometimes I throw in some spare change, but most times I’m guilty of walking past.

As the officers approached him, instead of saying “time to move on” or “you know you can’t be here”, one of them said “What brings you out in the cold tonight, mate?” I heard him talk about being hungry and the iPads came out as they took details, and as I made my way through the automatic doors I could hear the officers say “We just wanna make sure your OK, mate?”

I went about shopping, grabbing drinks and food without giving it a second thought. I saw the 2 officers inside with a hot roast chicken and some bread rolls and thought they were getting themselves late shift dinner. But then I noticed main food like rice and cereal and one of the said “we probably need to get him some milk too.”

That is when it hit me. They were not shopping for themselves. We ended up at the checkout at the same time, they had split up and seemed to do half the groceries each and both pulling out wallets/purses to pay half each. These 2 weren’t rookies, they clearly knew the difference between a scammer and someone who was really hungry. As they went outside, I overheard them check again that he had somewhere to stay tonight and then they handed him the bag of food with respect, compassion and kindness.


1.What did the author witness at the entry to Woolies?

A Two police officers arrested a homeless man.

B A homeless woman was begging for money.

C A man held a sign in order to get some food.

D Someone gave spare change to a homeless man.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第一段He had a handwritten sign requesting spare change so he could get some food.可知,作者看到流浪汉有一张手写的牌子,上面写着要零钱,这样他就可以弄点吃的了。故选C。

2.How did the officers communicate with the man?

A In bad manners.

B In an indifferent way.

C With a tone of concern.

D With a tone of command.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第二段可知,当警察走近他时,他们没有说“该走了”或“你知道你不能在这里”,而是说“是什么把你带到寒冷的夜晚来的,伙计?”由此看出警察是以一种关切的口吻与其交流的,故选C。

3.What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

A The two officers separately paid for their own food.

B The author and the two officers appeared at the same store.

C The two officers prepared lots of food for late shift dinner.

D The two officers purchased things for the homeless man.

解析:选D。D 词意指代题。根据第三段But then I noticed main food like rice and cereal and one of the said“we probably need to get him some milk too.”以及第四段They were not shopping for themselves.可知,作者注意到了到一些主食,并听到其中一个说“我们可能也需要给他弄点牛奶。”此时此刻,作者才恍然大悟,原来警察们是为流浪汉购买食物。因此,让作者感动的也正是上述原因,故选D。

4.What happened to the man in the end?

A The author provided the housing for him.

B He left and went to his next destination.

C Officers took him away without any trouble.

D He was finally offered enough food to enjoy.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据最后一段As they went outside, I overheard them check again that he had somewhere to stay tonight and then they handed him the bag of food with respect, compassion and kindness.可知,警察们走出去时,作者偷听到他们再次核实流浪汉今晚有地方住,他们带着尊重、同情和仁慈把那袋食物递给他。故选D。