印尼老农24年种1.1万棵树 被誉为“生态战士”
印尼老农24年种1.1万棵树 被誉为“生态战士”

A 69-year-old man affectionately known as “mbah,” or “grandpa,” around his community in Central Java, Indonesia, has dedicated the past 24 years of his life to preparing for the future of his neighbors. After big fires were lit throughout the land to clear it for planting, many of their nearby water sources dried up in the process. So “mbah” Sadiman decided to do something about it!

He predicted decades in advance the dire need his community would someday have for fresh water and ripe harvests, so he got to work planting new trees across the region. Unsurprisingly, not everyone caught his same vision. “People ridiculed me for bringing banyan tree(榕树) seeds to the village, because they felt uneasy as they believed there are spirits in these trees,” Sadiman said.

Yet despite the backlash and criticism, Sadiman pushed forward, reminding himself of all that was at stake if he were to give up. “In my experience, banyan trees and ficus trees(云杉树) can store a lot of water,” he explained. “I thought to myself, if I don’t plant banyan trees, this area would become dry.” And that’s exactly what he did! Over the past two decades, Sadiman has planted at least 11,000 banyan and other ficus trees across upwards of 617 acres.

The banyan tree is known for its strong, deep roots and its ability to keep an incredible amount of groundwater. In other words, Sadiman has made it possible for the farmers in his community to harvest crops not just once, but two or even three times a year. The barren land has also been replaced with springs that pipe water to their homes.

“In the past people thought he was crazy, trading his goats for banyan seeds, and he was seen as a ‘madman’ by the local community,” said Gendol Hill, a local in the region. “But look at the result now. He is able to provide clean water to meet the needs of the people living in several villages.”


1.What’s the purpose of Sadiman to plant trees across the region?

A To restore vegetation.

B To conserve water.

C To get wood from trees.

D To provide animals with shelters.

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据第一段 After big fires were lit throughout the land to clear it for planting, many of their nearby water sources dried up in the process. So “mbah” Sadiman decided to do something about it!以及第三段I thought to myself, if I don’t plant banyan trees, this area would become dry.可知,经历了烧山开荒后,那里的水源开始干涸。萨迪曼认为如果不种植榕树,当地会干旱的,由此推断他决定植树是为了涵养水源。故选B。

2.How did local people respond to Sadiman’s action at first?

A They couldn’t understand him.

B They supported him to do so.

C They expressed their gratitude to him.

D They felt ashamed for their ignorance.

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。根据第二段People ridiculed me for bringing banyan tree(榕树) seeds to the village以及最后一段In the past people thought he was crazy可知,当时人们嘲笑他把榕树种子带到村里,认为他疯了。由此说明当地人最初不理解萨迪曼的作法,故选A。

3.What kind of person is Sadiman according to the passage? a. Determined b. Thoughtful c. Perseverant d. Intelligent

A a;b

B a;c

C a;b;c

D a;b;c;d

解析:选B。B 推理判断题。根据全文可知,萨迪曼在当地村民的不解和嘲笑声中,经过二十四年不懈努力,种植至少一万一千棵树。由此说明他是一个坚定而有毅力的人。故选B。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A Local people regarded him with special respect.

B Sadiman’s rich life experiences expanded his vision.

C Sadiman’s contribution brought the local harvest joy.

D Banyan trees are essential for ecological protection.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第四段In other words, Sadiman has made it possible for the farmers in his community to harvest crops not just once, but two or even three times a year.可知,萨迪曼使他的社区的农民不仅可以收获一次庄稼,而且可以一年收获两次甚至三次。故选C。