
A cable car crash (缆车事故) happened in Italy on Sunday, May 23th. The cable car went from the town of Stresa near Lake Maggiore. It travelled up to a mountain. The mountain is 1,400 meters high. The journey takes 20 minutes.

A cable broke just before the end of the way. One cabin fell 20 meters to the ground(地面). It rolled down the hill. Trees stopped the cabin. 14 people died. A helicopter(直升机) took two children to hospital. Officials must find out what happened.

The cable car opened again not long ago. People checked it. Everything seemed fine. Nobody knew why the cable broke.


1.Where did the crash happen?

A In France.

B In Italy.

C In the UK.

D In Germany.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第一段A cable car crash happened in Italy on Sunday, May 23th.. 可知,这起缆车事故发生在意大利。故选B。

2.Which of the following is TRUE?

A It took 20 minutes on the way.

B The cable car went down a mountain.

C It is easy to reach the top of mountain.

D The cable car started from the town of Stresa.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据第一段The cable car went from the town of Stresa near Lake Maggiore.可知,缆车从马焦雷湖附近的斯特雷萨镇出发的。故选D。

3.What made the crash happen?

A The bad weather.

B A helicopter’s hit.

C The broken cable.

D The worker’s wrong doing.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第二段A cable broke just before the end of the way. One cabin fell 20 meters to the ground.可知,一根缆索在路的尽头前断了,一个座舱坠落了20米。由此说明那根断了的缆索造成了本次事故。故选C。

4.We still don’t know______.

A how the cable car was

B why the cable broke

C what the helicopter did

D who cared about the crash

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据最后一段Nobody knew why the cable broke.可知,没人知道电缆为什么断了。故选B。