
The success of action movies like Wonder Woman and television shows like WandaVision show that viewers like seeing women fighting, flying and jumping. Stunt performers often take the place of famous male and female actors in these action films so the big stars do not get hurt. At one point, movie producers would commonly use stuntmen wearing hairpieces, or wigs, to perform these actions for female actors.

The practice began to change in 2017 when an American stuntwoman, Deven MacNair, started a discrimination complaint. She said a producer had used a stuntman to perform a stunt for a female actor on a set she was working on.

Lucas Dollfus is the director of Campus Univers Cascade, or CUC, in northeastern France. He said, “We don’t need wigs anymore. The women are badass in any case.” CUC calls itself the world’s biggest stunt school. About a third of the students at the school are women like Valeriane Michelini. Once trained as a dancer, Michelini is now training to fight, crash through glass windows and jump out of helicopters at CUC. She said fighting has a different kind of movement than dancing. “I’m used to thriving in a graceful and feminine world,” the 29-year-old said. “And now, I’m in quite the opposite.”

April Wright makes films that tell stories about real life, called documentaries. Her film Stuntwomen: The Untold Hollywood Story came out in 2020. She spent many hours talking with women who do stunts in Hollywood, including those who started in the 1960s and 1970s. “Generally, women are holding their own, and getting most of these opportunities,” Wright said.

Wright said stuntwomen do not usually go to a stunt school. They often find work by learning from or meeting people in the industry. Some make videos on YouTube or TikTok to show their skills. “Sometimes stunts run in families,” Wright said. “Not every stuntwoman had that, but a lot of them had fathers that helped them develop the skills.”

Wright said stunt people are very careful in the way they prepare for their work because they know it is dangerous. Sometimes it may be just a broken bone. But in 2017, stuntwoman Joi Harris, who had been a professional motorcycle racer, died in a chase during the filming of Deadpool 2.


1.Which of the following is different from the other three?

A Deadpool 2.

B Wonder Woman.

C WandaVision show.

D Stuntwomen: The Untold Hollywood Story.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据全文可知,《死侍2:我爱我家》(Deadpool 2)和《神奇女侠》(Wonder Woman) 属于动作电影,《替身:不为人知的好莱坞故事》(Stuntwomen: The Untold Hollywood Story)属于纪录片电影,唯独《旺达幻视》(WandaVision)属于电视剧。故选C。

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A Stunts are absolutely necessary in action movies.

B Movie viewers prefer women to be stunt performers.

C Movie producers try to cut down on the actress number.

D Generally speaking, stunt performers are men in the films.

解析:选D。D 推理判断题。根据第一段At one point, movie producers would commonly use stuntmen wearing hairpieces, or wigs, to perform these actions for female actors.可知,电影制片人通常会用戴假发的特技演员来为女演员表演这些动作。因此,一般来说,特技演员在电影中都是男性。故选D。

3.Which of the following descriptions about CUC is TRUE?

A It is the world’s biggest stunt school.

B It only enrolls female students in France.

C It offers training on different stunt performances.

D It can turn any dancers into stuntmen or stuntwomen.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段Once trained as a dancer, Michelini is now training to fight, crash through glass windows and jump out of helicopters at CUC.可知,米切里尼曾经是一名舞蹈演员,现在正在卡斯喀特大学校园接受训练,如格斗、冲破玻璃窗、跳出直升机等。由此推断该校提供不同特技表演的训练。故选C。

4.April Wright shares opinions about stunts except that_______.

A stuntwomen have lots of opportunities to do stunts

B stuntwomen can learn stunts through different channels

C sometimes it will take stunt people their lives to do stunts

D people who live in stunt families are more likely to succeed

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据最后三段可知,艾普丽尔·赖特(April Wright)认为一般来说,女性都在坚持自己的立场,并获得了大部分这样的机会。特技演员通常不上特技学校。他们经常通过向业内人士学习或结识他们来找到工作。一些人在YouTube或TikTok上制作视频来展示他们的技能。特技演员在准备工作时非常小心,因为他们知道这很危险。特技演员乔伊·哈里斯在拍摄《死侍2:我爱我家》的过程中死于追逐。文中并未提及生活在特技家庭的人士更容易成功,故选D。