
Mary Peters of Seattle, Washington, has been practicing with her Australian shepherd named Secret since 2014. Mary was just 16 when they started out, and her reward and clicker(响板) training has worked like a charm on this very smart, sporty animal.

In 2016, Mary took Secret to visit her grandparents in Sioux City, Iowa, for Christmas. While they were there, they hit the local sledding(雪橇) hill for some wintertime fun. The dog mom thought it might be fun to have Secret try sledding, so she brought the dog along and showed her the ropes. She’d already taught Secret how to skateboard, so she thought the dog could work out how to pull her own sled uphill and slide down on it.

“I usually just break each trick down into simple pieces that Secret can learn one at a time,” Mary said. “For example, with sledding, we first worked on her just hopping on (she would usually just hop right back out), and then I would reward her for staying in the sled longer.” Secret had the time of her life sledding, and Mary said the dog “probably went down this hill 50 times.”

When Mary shared the video on Instagram, it quickly went viral. Thanks to that video and many others, Secret and Mary racked up tons of new followers. Now, they have over 629,000 fans who can’t wait to see what this wonderful dog will conquer next!


1.Which is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 1?

A The name of Mary’s dog.

B Mary’s training method.

C The looks of Mary’s dog.

D The start time of dog training.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,玛丽·彼得斯从2014年起就开始和她的澳大利亚牧羊犬Secret一起练习。玛丽刚开始的时候只有16岁,她的奖励和响板训练对这只极其聪明、爱运动的动物很有吸引力。文中未提及狗狗的长相,故选C。

2.What did Mary think of when she was in Sioux City?

A To teach her dog how to skateboard.

B To teach her dog how to go sledding.

C To tell her dog to visit her grandparents.

D To pull her own sled uphill and slide down on it.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第二段The dog mom thought it might be fun to have Secret try sledding…可知,玛丽认为让Secret尝试滑雪橇可能会很有趣。故选B。

3.Secret could get the reward if_______.

A she hopped on the sledding

B she stayed in the sled longer

C she learnt the tricks in a short time

D she went down the hill several times

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据第三段…and then I would reward her for staying in the sled longer.可知,玛丽因为Secret在雪橇上呆得更久而奖励她,故选B。

4.The underlined part in the last paragraph can be replaced by_______.

A won

B gained

C beat

D surprised

解析:选B。B 词义猜测题。根据最后一段When Mary shared the video on Instagram, it quickly went viral.以及Now, they have over 629,000 fans…可知,当玛丽在Instagram上分享这段视频时,它很快就走红了。现在,她们有超过629000名粉丝,由此推断 racked up意为“获得”,gain与之同义。故选B。