自闭症孩子未获心仪玩具哭闹不止 好心人温暖相助
自闭症孩子未获心仪玩具哭闹不止 好心人温暖相助

Ashley Fox was shopping at Walmart Sunday with her son Norris, 3, who was diagnosed in January with autism (自闭症). Norris picked out a stuffed puppy (毛绒玩具小狗) at the store, but rang up to cost more than Fox expected, so she put it back.

"That's when Norris just had a meltdown. I rushed out of Walmart as fast as I could, you know, obviously he was screaming and crying and I looked like I was, you know, kidnapping my own child like it was, it was it was bad," said Fox.

She said she was struggling to get Norris into his car seat when a woman came up to her with the stuffed puppy that her son had wanted in the store. "The lady comes up behind me and she pulls this puppy out, and she says, 'is this what he was wanting?' and I said, 'oh my god yes it is,' and I hand it to him and he just calmed down, I'm able to buckle up. And it was, it was, it was great. I thanked her and I offered to pay for this puppy but she wouldn't let me. She said that she understood that because she has kids. I just really want her to know that, like, it made his night and made his day, like as you can see, he won't put it down. He is obsessed with it. He loves it. And I just think it was a really beautiful thing that she did," said Fox.

She posted on Facebook that Norris and the puppy are not able to be separated. Thousands of people have liked the post and hundreds have commented about the act of kindness.


1.Why did Fox put the stuffed puppy back?

A Because she didn’t like it at all.

B Because she couldn’t afford it.

C Because she left her purse at home.

D Because she didn’t think it fit for her kid.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段Norris picked out a stuffed puppy at the store, but rang up to cost more than Fox expected, so she put it back.可知,诺里斯在店里挑选了一只毛绒玩具小狗,但结账显示的费用要比福克斯预期的高,所以她把它放了回去。故选B。

2.How did Norris respond to his mother’s action?

A He calmed down to accept the result.

B He tried to make a final struggle.

C He held the stuffed puppy in his arms.

D He left Walmart with her mother quickly.


3.What can we learn about the woman?

A She was a shop assistant in the store.

B She expected Fox to buy that puppy.

C She offered the puppy to Norris for fee.

D She helped Fox without asking for return.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第三段I thanked her and I offered to pay for this puppy but she wouldn't let me. She said that she understood that because she has kids.可知,福克斯提出要为这只小狗付钱,但这位女士不让她付,并表示理解,因为她也有孩子。由此说明这位女士不求回报地帮助福克斯。故选D。

4.Which has the closest meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 3?

A Being interested in

B Being careful with.

C Being crazy about.

D Being separated with.

解析:选C。C词义猜测题。根据第三段he won't put it down.和He loves it.及最后一段Norris and the puppy are not able to be separated.可知,诺里斯对这个毛绒玩具小狗爱不释手,一刻也不愿分离!由此猜测诺里斯痴迷于这个小狗,选项C意思与其最为接近。故选C。