自闭症谱系员工勇救小孩 受市长表彰
自闭症谱系员工勇救小孩 受市长表彰

Ben Mazur, 24, works at Schnucksa grocery store chain in Alton, Illinois. Back in March, Mazur was collecting carts (手推车) in the parking lot when he noticed a cart rolling down the hill with a child insidewhile all cars were pulling in and out of the lot.

The cart got away from a mother who was trying to get her other children in the car. She hardly noticed until it was almost too late, but thankfully, Mazur was watching. He saved the child’s life.

On Wednesday, Alton Mayor Brant Walker surprised the 24-year-old by declaring May 5 as "Ben Mazur Day". It's a special way for Mazur, his family, co-workers, and trainers from Challenge Unlimited to celebrate his act of good faith and his birthday also happened on that day. "Schnucks was actually his dream job so you know it was like a big deal when he got hired at Schnucks," said Jiuana Evans, job coach at Challenge Unlimited.

Mazur is on the autism spectrum (自闭症谱系) and has been working with Challenge Unlimited, a program that helps people with disabilities find jobs in the community. "I wasn't ________ because I feel like it's Ben, but it just made me feel so good because he's outstanding and I know he's going to continue to do great things," Evans said.


1.What did Ben Mazur do?

A He was an owner of a grocery store.

B He helped park cars in the parking lot.

C He served as a grocery store worker.

D He did some cleaning at Schnucks.


2.What was the mother doing at that time?

A She was ready to get into her car.

B She was shopping in the grocery store.

C She was gathering her goods in the cart.

D She was busy looking after other children.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段The cart got away from a mother who was trying to get her other children in the car.可知,孩子母亲正试图把她的其他孩子弄上车,手推车从她身边溜走了。故选D。

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A A local festival was named after Mazur.

B Ben Mazur’s birthday is on May 5.

C Ben Mazur had a day off for his act.

D Ben Mazur became famous in his city.


4.Which word can be filled in the blank in the last paragraph?

A confident

B clear

C surprised

D worried

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段... because I feel like it's Ben, but it just made me feel so good because he's outstanding and I know he's going to continue to do great things.可知,埃文斯了解本·马祖的为人,认为他很出色,知道他会继续做伟大的事情。推断埃文斯对本·马祖的善举并不感到惊讶,故选C。