
Cyril and Erik Rohrer had just set out for a hiking and skiing trek to the 10,000-foot summit of Mt. Britsen in Switzerland when they heard a tiny sound in the darkness.“It was 4:30 a.m., at around 1200 meters, when we heard a cat in the dark forest. She made a really scared and confused impression,” Cyril said. “But we couldn’t get rid of her while walking uphill. So she stayed with us.”

As the two of them continued up the steep mountain trail, the cat followed them tenaciously. They thought she must be lost because they were so far from civilization. Both hikers were impressed by the cat’s perseverance and drive to continue on her journey. “She started to shiver, and her paws began to bleed from the hard snow. Sometimes we picked her up and carried her when she was too exhausted to walk uphill anymore,” Cyril said. “We were definitely confused. I felt really sorry for the cat. She was really exhausted on the ridge under the summit.”

Cyril and Erik planned to ski down from the top of the mountain, so once they reached the summit, they passed the cat off to some other hikers who were on their way back down. Those Good Samaritans carried the cat all the way to the bottom. When they arrived, they managed to find her owners and return her home safely!

Later, Cyril and Erik learned that the cat had gone missing four days before they began their trek. In fact, she had already followed another group of athletes up the mountain before she met up with them. Maybe this wasn’t an accident after all ... maybe she just likes hiking? The experience made Cyril appreciate how tough animals can be. “They are way tougher than humans,” he concluded. “They’ll never give up.”


1.Cyril and Erik Rohrer found the cat _______.

A as they looked for a way uphill

B shortly after they started their journey

C when they stayed in the forest nearby

D after they got to the summit of Mt. Britsen

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,西里尔(Cyril)和埃里克·罗勒(Erik Rohrer)刚刚出发,跋涉前往瑞士1万英尺高的布里森山顶(Mt. Britsen)徒步和滑雪,突然就听到了黑暗中微弱的声音。故选B。

2.How was the cat according to Paragraph 2?

A She was starving and lost feeling.

B She was persistent and injured.

C She mistook Cyril and Erik for her owners.

D She reached the summit on her own.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第二段Both hikers were impressed by the cat’s perseverance and drive to continue on her journey.和She started to shiver, and her paws began to bleed from the hard snow.可知,猫的坚持不懈给他们留下深刻的印象,猫开始发抖,爪子开始流血,推断猫受伤了,故选B。

3.The underlined part in Paragraph 3 probably refers to _______.

A Cyril and Erik

B some cat lovers

C other hikers

D the cat’s owners


4.What did Cyril and Erik know afterwards?

A A group of athletes treated the cat badly.

B The cat might be fond of hiking.

C The cat were caught in a snowstorm.

D The cat helped them find the way back.
