

Music fills the air. Colorful lights shine brightly in windows. Children and adults open gifts from loved ones and friends. These are all Christmas traditions.

Another tradition is snow. Christmas in the northern part of the world comes a few days after the start of winter. In many places, a blanket of clean white snow covers the ground on Christmas Day. This is what is meant by a "White Christmas."

Of course, many places do not get snow at Christmas. In fact, they may be very warm this time of year. People who like snow, but live where it is warm, can only dream of having a white Christmas.

American songwriter Irving Berlin captured these feelings in his song "White Christmas." It is one of the most popular Christmas songs of all time. The opening words explain why the singer is dreaming of a white Christmas. 

The sun is shining.

The grass is green.

The orange and palm trees sway.

I've never seen such a day in Beverly Hills, L.A.

But it's December the 24th

And I'm longing to be up north.

Up north, where it is cold and snowy.

Not south, where it is warm and sunny.

This song celebrates an idea of peace and happiness that anyone, anywhere -- snowy or not -- can enjoy.


1.What is NOT a Christmas tradition?

A The air is full of music.

B There are colorful lights in every family.

C Everyone enjoys their gifts.

D Everyone enjoys their Jiaozi.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的内容可知,A,空气中弥漫着音乐;B, 每个家庭都彩灯闪烁;C, 大家都在享受礼物;都是圣诞节的传统。只有D,大家都在吃饺子,不是圣诞节的传统。故答案为D。

2.What does a "White Christmas" Mean?

A A clean Christmas.

B Snow covers the ground on Christmas Day.

C Everyone is in white on Christmas Day.

D Every thing is in white on Christmas Day.

解析:选B。B 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的“In many places, a blanket of clean white snow covers the ground on Christmas Day. This is what is meant by a "White Christmas."”可知,在圣诞节这天,一层白雪覆盖地面,这就是白色圣诞的含义。故答案为B。

3.Who dreams of having a white Christmas?

A People all over the world.

B People in the northern part of the world.

C People in the warm places.

D People who can’t get together with their familys.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第的“People who like snow, but live where it is warm, can only dream of having a white Christmas.”可知,喜欢雪的居住在暖和地方的人们只能梦想有一个白色的圣诞了,故答案为C。

4.The main idea of song "White Christmas." is ____________________.

A an idea of peace and happiness

B Everyone wants a white Christmas

C A snowy Christmas is the best

D A shining and green Christmas is a dream

解析:选A。A 推理判断题。这首歌的歌词表达了对白色圣诞的向往,更进一步蕴含了祝愿在任何地方的,不论有没有雪的人们幸福祥和,故答案为A。

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A Christmas Traditions.

B Christams is an Important Festival.

C Merry Christmas.

D A White Christmas.

解析:选D。D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文表达了人们对白色圣诞节的向往。故答案为D。