山西5岁女孩一分钟做80个后手翻 远超吉尼斯世界纪录
山西5岁女孩一分钟做80个后手翻 远超吉尼斯世界纪录

Li Jiamin was only 4 when she started practicing gymnastics with her dad, a martial artist. Within three days of working on her moves, Li was able to bend over backward! She took to the sport like a fish takes to water, and now she trains for about two hours each day to improve her skills.

Now 5, Li is going viral thanks to a Twitter video of her performing an almost superhuman feat. In just one minute, Li did 80 (or more, by some counts) back handsprings (手翻) in a row. That’s more than one flip a second! The video has been shared over 9 million times so far, and the little girl from Shanxi, China, is blowing people away all over the world. Li’s dad said that his daughter works very hard and started practicing young, giving her an advantage. “If she started training after the age of 12, she wouldn’t be able to do 80 flips continuously no matter how hard she tries,” he explained.

Li already has big dreams! The fierce little gymnast hopes to break the world record for continuous back handsprings someday soon. The present Guinness World Record for most consecutive handsprings by a female is held by American JaLyssa Walker, who did 53 flips back in 2013. Watch out, JaLyssa! Li is coming for your title!

Even though Li is incredibly talented, she has no plans to enter the world of competitive gymnastics. Instead, her dad hopes she’ll continue the practice “as a hobby” while pursuing a more practical career in law enforcement (执法机关) or the military. “I just want her to study hard and be an educated person, nothing else,” he said.


1.How did Li Jiamin treat gymnastics?

A She felt bored and tired about it.

B She looked on it as a kind of game.

C She had to practice it under her dad’s order.

D She liked it from the bottom of her heart.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第一段She took to the sport like a fish takes to water ... 可知,她喜欢这项运动就像如鱼得水,take to意为“喜欢”。故选D。

2.Li Jiamin became famous _____ according to Paragraph 2?

A on a TV show

B through social media

C through news reports

D through an online live show

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第二段Now 5, Li is going viral thanks to a Twitter video of her performing an almost superhuman feat.可知,5岁的李佳敏在推特上的一段视频让她走红。故选B。

3.The main purpose of the underlined sentence is ______.

A To give JaLyssa a warning

B To create a relaxing atmosphere

C To show care to Li JaLyssa

D To show respect to Li Jiamin

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第三段可知,李佳敏希望在不久的将来能打破连续后手翻的世界纪录。美国选手贾利萨·沃克(JaLyssa Walker)所保持的原纪录是53个,而李佳敏的纪录是80个,早已超越该纪录,由此推断作者的写作目的无非是增加一点轻松的气氛,故选B。

4.Which might NOT be Li’s future job?

A Being a lawyer.

B Being a soldier.

C Being a gymnast.

D Being a scholar.
