美国女子制作新冠病毒形状工艺品 订单激增
美国女子制作新冠病毒形状工艺品 订单激增

When the COVID-19 began, Carolina Tolladay Vidal’s party business suffered immediately. People cancelled parties and no one was buying piñatas from her business in the American state of Alaska. 

A piñata is a container usually filled with small treatslike candies, fruits, or gifts. It is hung up at parties or celebrations. A person, likely a child, with eyes covered would hit a piñata with a stick. And the objects inside would fall to the ground for everyone.

Tolladay Vidal said recently that many of her projects were moved to other dates. “Many,” she added, “were canceled.” She had to find new ideas to bring back her business. So, Tolladay Vidal decided to make large, red piñatas shaped like the coronavirus (冠状病毒).

After she shared a picture of her handmade coronavirus piñata on social media, she said the orders started pouring in. She explained why so many people want to beat up a coronavirus-shaped piñata. “I think you really smash them and break them and hit them with meaning,” she said, “because it has been tough for everybody.” Rose Consenstein, age 8, agrees. She said, with her eyes covered, she could not see it. But that did not stop her from “beating the heck” out of a coronavirus piñata at her birthday party.


1.What did the COVID-19 bring to Tolladay Vidal in the beginning?

A She had to stay at home.

B Her party business dropped.

C She never had parties any more.

D Her party business increased.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据第一段可知,新冠疫情爆发时,卡罗莱纳·托拉迪·维达尔(Carolina Tolladay Vidal)的派对生意举步维艰。故选B。

2.What can we know about the piñata?

A It is a kind of toy for children.

B It is a gift bag full of treats.

C It is an item used at parties or celebrations.

D It is a magic box only for kids.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第二段A piñata is a container usually filled with small treats—like candies, fruits, or gifts. It is hung up at parties or celebrations.可知,皮纳塔是一个用于聚会或庆祝活动的容器,里面包裹着一些小款待品。故选C。

3.Why could Tolladay Vidal improve her business situation?

A Because she sold her products on social media.

B Because she offered a door-to-door service.

C Because she came up with a new idea.

D Because she found other possible business projects.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段She had to find new ideas to bring back her business. So, Tolladay Vidal decided to make large, red piñatas shaped like the coronavirus.可知,维达尔认为必须找到新的想法来恢复自己的业务,于是她决定制作新冠病毒形状的皮纳塔。故选C。

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A Lots of kids felt unhappy in the past year.

B People hated the coronavirus in the deep hearts.

C Many people went to see Tolladay Vidal’s piñata.

D It’s tough for people to break the new piñata.
