疫情下德国啤酒大量滞销 啤酒厂和面包房“联姻”
疫情下德国啤酒大量滞销 啤酒厂和面包房“联姻”

In the western city of Dusseldorf, many bars and restaurants are closed because of COVID-19 restrictions. The rules have been in place since November 2020. As a result, not as many people are buying beer. So the beer maker, Fuechschen Brewery, had 6,000 liters of its product that were about to go bad. Instead of throwing the beer away, the brewery (啤酒厂) asked some bread bakers for help. Many bakers already use grain left over from the brewing process in their bread.

Fuechschen Brewery’s beer is now an important ingredient in a special bread called “treberbrot”. About 12 bakers in the area are now making loaves of “treberbrot”, which means used-grain bread. Peter Koenig’s family has run the brewery since 1908. “It would have been such a shame to just toss out such a tasty beer,” he said. The bakers use the beer instead of water in their recipe. “I think it’s great that these two craft industries have come together like this,” Koenig said.

Around Dusseldorf, people can buy a loaf of the special bread for less than five dollars. Each purchase comes with a bottle of beer. Janika Derksen’s family runs Coelven Bakery. She said the brown bread tastes very good with a hard outside and a soft middle. People from other parts of Germany are calling to find out if the bakery can send them loaves of the bread. Derksen said she would be happy to do that.

Michael Maassen came to the bakery to buy some bread. He said he heard about the solution to the extra beer problem. He said he hoped the bread tastes like the beer. “It’s a great campaign, solidarity with one another is more important now than it ever has been,” he said.


1.What's the trouble with Fuechschen Brewery?

A Its beer produced has gone bad.

B Many workers had to stay at home.

C There weren’t enough grain they needed.

D It could not find a market for its product.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第一段可知,在德国的杜塞尔多夫,由于新冠疫情的限制,许多酒吧和餐馆关闭,导致买啤酒的人变少。因此,啤酒制造商“狐狸啤酒厂”(Fuechschen Brewery)有6000升的啤酒即将变质。故选D。

2.How did Fuechschen Brewery solve its problem?

A It started to run several bakeries.

B It contacted the local bar and restaurants.

C It had a deep cooperation with the bakeries.

D It learned how to make bread using beer.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段Instead of throwing the beer away, the brewery asked some bread bakers for help.以及第二段I think it’s great that these two craft industries have come together like this可知,啤酒厂没有把啤酒扔掉,而是向面包房求助,两个手工艺行业联合起来。故选C。

3.What can we learn about treberbrot?

A It has different tastes and shapes.

B It’s specially made by Fuechschen Brewery.

C It’s a kind of bread made with traditional recipe.

D It is sold around local and other areas in Germany.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第三段Around Dusseldorf, people can buy a loaf of the special bread for less than five dollars.以及People from other parts of Germany are calling to find out if the bakery can send them loaves of the bread. Derksen said she would be happy to do that.可知,在杜塞尔多夫周围,人们可以用不到五美元的价格买到一条特制面包。来自德国其他地方的人打电话来询问面包店是否能给他们送面包。德克森表示很乐意这么做。由此推断该面包在当地和其他地区销售。故选D。

4.How did Michael Maassen respond to the event?

A He preferred beer to this special bread.

B He hoped to find more solutions like that.

C He spoke highly of the brewery’s practice.

D He thought it easy to deal with the extra beer.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据最后一段“It’s a great campaign, solidarity with one another is more important now than it ever has been,” he said.可知,迈克尔·马森认为这是一场伟大的运动,相互支持比以往任何时候都重要。由此看出他高度赞扬啤酒厂的做法。故选C。