
Mr Johns went into his tea shop again one morning, and sat on one of the seats at the counter (柜台). Many other people came in also, but most of them did not stay long. After fifteen minutes, a young man and a young woman came in. There were only two empty seats at the counter, one on Mr Johns' left, and the other on his right. The young man sat on one, and the young woman on the other, but Mr Johns immediately asked to change places with him so that the man and the woman could be together. “Oh, that isn't necessary (必要的).” the young woman said, but Mr Johns insisted. When the young man and the young woman were side by side, the young man said to her, “Well, this kind old man wanted us to sit together, so may I introduce myself? My name's Jack. What's yours?”

1.Mr Johns came into the tea shop and ________.

A stayed longer than all other people

B found no seat for him to sit on

C sat near the counter

D gave up his seat

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一句sat on one of the seats at the counter可知约翰斯先生坐在柜台附近,故选C。

2.After the young man and the young woman came in, ________.

A the young man asked Mr Johns to change places

B Mr Johns thought they came too early

C they wanted to sit together

D Mr Johns thought they knew each other

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据but Mr Johns immediately asked to change places with him so that the man and the woman could be together和最后一句那位年轻的先生向女士自我介绍可知,他们两个并不认识,但约翰斯先生以为他们认识,故选D。

3.When the young woman said, “That isn't necessary.” Mr Johns ________.

A didn't understand her

B knew what she meant

C thought she was angry

D decided to stay a little longer

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据but Mr Johns insisted和最后一句可知,约翰斯先生并没理解女士说的意思,故选A。

4.Which of the sentence is TRUE?

A Mr Johns came to this tea shop for the first time.

B Most of the people didn't leave the shop until it was closed.

C There were no other empty seats at the counter except the two beside Mr Johns.

D It seemed that the young woman wanted to change places with Mr Johns.
