儿子售卖三明治筹款 了却癌症母亲最后心愿
儿子售卖三明治筹款 了却癌症母亲最后心愿

Ever since Gloria Walker was a little girl, she has wanted to go to Egypt. Her son is making that dream a reality. Last year, after Gloria Walker was told that she had late-stage cancer, her son Dustin Vitale asked her, "If there's one thing in the world that you can do, what would it be?" "She said, 'I’d like to see the pyramids in Egypt'," he said. "Ever since she was a little girl, she's wanted to see them." But she did not want to travel alone or just go with her husband, Tone. She wanted to go with her whole family.

Vitale, who works as a middle school teacher in Philadelphia could never afford to pay the trip expenses for 14 family members. So, he decided he could raise the money by selling cheesesteaks (牛肉奶酪三明治).

Vitale said his campaign started on his Instagram story, which friends, family, and his students helped to spread. Almost immediately cars started double-parking outside his house. Faces that he didn't recognize started showing up at his front door. "We ended up doing 94 in one day and we were like just blown away," Vitale said.

A food truck driver offered his services and in just six weeks Vitale raised all the money he needed and then some. He had made $18,000. Their trip is planned for later this year. His mother said, "The love, it's great, you know."


1.What’s Gloria Walker’s wish?

A Curing her cancer quickly.

B Travelling in Egypt alone.

C Having a family holiday in Egypt.

D Visiting the pyramids with Tone.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段She wanted to go with her whole family.可知,格洛丽亚想和全家一起去埃及看金字塔。故选C。

2.What can we learn about Vitale?

A He taught in a primary school.

B He supported his family.

C He raised money for Gloria’s wish.

D He cooked cheesesteaks for his family.


3.Who might be in the car outside Vitale’s house?

A His students.

B His friends.

C Some strangers.

D A food truck driver.

解析:选C。C 推理判断题。根据第三段Almost immediately cars started double-parking outside his house. Faces that he didn't recognize started showing up at his front door.可知,汽车开始成倍地在他家门口停车,他不认识的面孔开始出现在他的前门。由此推断车里的人是陌生人,故选C。

4.How did Gloria feel about her son?

A He made a careful plan.

B He was worth her love.

C He did a very good job.

D He gave her the deep love.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段His mother said, "The love, it's great, you know."可知,格洛丽亚表示爱是伟大的。由此推断维塔莱给了母亲深深的爱。故选D。