
A few months ago, Kenneth Smith was in a chair outside a Fort Worth Outback Steakhouse hungry and half asleep. A woman leaving the restaurant approached him and asked him if he was okay. She asked me if I was all right, so I told her, No, I'm not okay at this time, Smith said. She gave him a $100 gift card to buy dinner.

While sitting in the booth, Smith met the restaurant's managing partner, Laura Hodges. "I said, 'Hey, I don't ever want you to want for food or go hungry'," Hodges said. "I want you to always have somewhere that you can get a warm meal. So, here's my business card. Bring it anytime."

Last month, Hodges hired Smith to bus tables at the restaurant. But Smith still needed help finding a place to stay, so Hodges posted on the Fort Worth Foodies Facebook page asking if anyone knew of a motel with affordable rates. Instead, generous commenters have now paid for six weeks at a nearby Extended Stay hotel, and have donated more than $2,200 along with a bike, clothing, kitchen items and groceries. "I think it's so much of a good blessing, and it's wonderful just to have people these days that'll do things for you," said Smith.

Smith is saving up his money for a car, then a home and one day hopes to have his own food service business. "This is a whole new beginning that God has blessed me with, so I'm trying to get on this right good track that he wants me to stay on," said Smith. And it all started with a stranger and a $100 gift card.

"We wish we could find her and know who she was because she blessed both of our lives. This has been a great thing for both of us," Hodges said. "I'm blown away by the generosity of people. It's absolutely amazing."


1.How were things with Kenneth Smith when the woman saw him?

A He mainly lived on charity.

B He was tired of life and work.

C He made a living in a restaurant.

D He was homeless and suffered hunger.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据全文内容可知,肯尼思·史密斯(Kenneth Smith)之前是一名流浪汉,居无定所,每天忍饥挨饿度日。故选D。

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A Hodges didn’t want to help Smith at all.

B Hodges was ready to offer Smith a hand.

C Hodges treated Smith with a big dinner.

D Hodges found him a job in another place.

解析:选B。B推理判断题。根据第二段I want you to always have somewhere in which you can get a warm meal. So, here's my business card. Bring it anytime.可知,劳拉·霍奇斯(Laura Hodges)表示,希望史密斯总有个地方可以吃上一顿热饭。并递上名片,让他随时可以过来。由此推断霍奇斯是想要帮史密斯一把,故选B。

3.Who finally helped Smith with the housing problem?

A Smith himself.

B Laura Hodges.

C Some commenters.

D Extended Stay hotel.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段Instead, generous commenters have now paid for six weeks at a nearby Extended Stay hotel, and have donated more than $2,200 along with a bike, clothing, kitchen items and groceries.可知,慷慨的评论者们现在已经在附近的一家长住酒店为史密斯支付了6个星期的费用,并捐赠了2200多美元,还有一辆自行车、一些衣服、厨房用品和日用品。故选C。

4.What was Smith’s future plan?

A He would find the woman and thanked her.

B He would pass on the kindness to another stranger.

C He would continue to improve his life conditions.

D He planned to start a food company of his own.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第四段Smith is saving up his money for a car, then a home and one day hopes to have his own food service business.可知,史密斯正在攒钱买车,然后买房子,希望有一天能有自己的餐饮服务公司。由此推断他计划继续去改善自己的生活状况,故选C。