

A Chinese woman was spotted trying to sell her baby daughter to raise money for the medical treatment of her hospitalized husband in Fuzhou city on Monday.Her husband suffered serious injuries after falling from a building, where he was working.

Photographs in several online news sites in China show the woman, Ni Qiong, on her knees carrying a placard with the words, "Begging to sell child".The placard further said, "The supervisor disappeared after my husband's work injury. We have no money for the treatment. Trying to sell my child in order to save her father."

"I have no other option," Ni told local journalists. She was carrying her year-old daughter, and was accompanied by two other daughters. Her husband Zhou Guixing needs surgery which she cannot afford, Ni said.

Zhou fell from the third floor of a building, where he was working last Thursday. His supervisor gave him 7,000 RMB ($1150) before disappearing. However Ni's older daughters told local journalists, "No, please don't sell our sister."

A reporter from a Chinese language news site quoted one of the daughters as saying that Zhou had earlier planned to sell the baby before the accident. But his wife didn’t agree at that time.

Now, Ni was trying to sell the child.Tencent News site published Zhou's bank account details to help the couple raise funds.




1.What is the woman doing in the street?

A Asking for money to go home.

B Asking for food.

C Travelling with her daughters.

D Selling baby to save her husband.

解析:选D。D 细节理解题。根据文中第一句…sell her baby daughter to raise money for the medical treatment of her hospitalized husband…可知,故选D。

2.What happened to her husband?

A He was beat by policemen.

B He has got cancer.

C He fell from a building.

D He was put into prison.

解析:选C。C 细节理解题。根据第1段最后一句Her husband suffered serious injuries after falling from a building, where he was working.可知,故选C。

3.Selling babies is_________in China.

A legal

B illegal

C allowed

D humane人道的)

解析:选B。B 法律常识题。买卖儿童是非法的(illegal),故选B。

4.Which statement is right according to the passage?

A The woman had planned to sell the baby before her husband was sent to hospital.

B The whole family agreed to sell the baby.

C The woman doesn’t want to sell the baby but she has to.

D The baby was bought by a kind lady.

解析:选C。C 内容理解题。由文章内容可知女子丈夫原来想卖女,但她不同意,所以AB选项错;文中并未提到善良的女士买了她女儿,所以D项错,故选C。

5.What is the best title for the passage?

A Woman selling baby to save husband.

B Woman selling baby to make money.

C Baby trade in Fuzhou.

D Woman looking for her baby in Fuzhou.

解析:选A。A 文章标题题。卖女救夫最贴合文章中心,故选A。