意大利103岁老奶奶新冠康复 战疫秘诀:勇气和信念
意大利103岁老奶奶新冠康复 战疫秘诀:勇气和信念

COVID-19 has killed nearly 18,000 people in Italy and nearly 90,000 people worldwide. The World Health Organization says most of those who are dying of the COVID-19 disease are over the age of 60. But, try telling that to Ada Zanusso of Italy. She is 103 years old. She lived through the pandemic (大流行病) of 1918 that killed 50 million people worldwide. Now, she has survived COVID-19.

“I’m well, I’m well,” Zanusso said. She spoke with the reporters over video from a home for older people in the northern Italian town of Lessona. “I watch TV, read the newspapers,” she added. When asked about her fight against COVID-19, Zanusso simply said, “I had some fever.” COVID-19 can cause minor or moderate sickness. Most of those who are infected recover. But those with existing health problem and older people like Zanusso are at a higher risk for more serious illness or even death.

Carla Furno Marchese has been Zanusso’s family doctor for 35 years. She said Zanusso was sick for one week. “We hydrated her because she wasn’t eating, and then we thought she wasn’t going to make it because she was always sleepy and not reacting,” Furno Marchese said.“One day she opened her eyes again and continued doing what she used to before,” the doctor added. What helped her get through the illness? “Courage and strength, faith,” Zanusso said.

To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 in Italy, visitors are not permitted to enter nursing homes, where many older people live. Zanusso's doctor asked her what she would like to do when “they open the doors” again. “I’d like to take a lovely walk,” she answered. She added that she looks forward to watching her three great-grandchildren play together again.


1.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A Ada Zanusso beat the COVID-19 at 103.

B People aged 70 are more likely to catch the COVID-19.

C 50 million people died of the pandemic of 1918 in Italy.

D The COVID-19 is more dangerous than the pandemic of 1918.

解析:选A。A细节理解题。根据第一段Now, she has survived COVID-19.可知,意大利一位103岁的老人Zanusso成功了战胜新冠病毒,故选A。

2.Who should pay more attention to the risk of catching the COVID-19?

A Doctors in the hospitals.

B Children in the kindergartens.

C Community workers.

D The elderly with health problems.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据第二段But those with existing health problem and older people like Zanusso are at a higher risk for more serious illness or even death.可知,那些存在健康问题的人以及像Zanusso这样的老年人,患更严重疾病甚至死亡的风险更高,由此说明有健康问题的老人应该更关注感染新冠病毒的风险,故选D。

3.What were the changes of Zanusso’s body due to the COVID-19?

A She suffered from a serious disease.

B She continued doing what she liked.

C She had no appetite and felt sleepy.

D She felt very well then.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第三段We hydrated her because she wasn’t eating, and then we thought she wasn’t going to make it because she was always sleepy and not reacting可知,Zanusso的家庭医生表示,他们给她水分因为她不吃不喝,他们觉得她可能撑不下去了,因为她总是昏昏欲睡,没有任何反应,故选C。

4.What did Zanusso expect to do after the ban was canceled?

A To run out of the nursing home.

B To visit her family doctor who helped her.

C To come back to her children’s home.

D To enjoy the happy time with the youngest generation.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据最后一段“I’d like to take a lovely walk,” she answered. She added that she looks forward to watching her three great-grandchildren play together again.可知,Zanusso想出去散散步,期待看到自己的三个曾孙在一起玩耍,推断她期待着与最年幼的一代一起享受快乐时光,故选D。