
The hardest part of loving an animal is knowing you’ll someday have to say goodbye. Tom Antonino and Lauren Slepin have been proud dog parents to Cocoa for more than 16 years. Normally an energetic dog, Cocoa slowed down quite a bit in her golden years.

She started having a difficult time with mobility in recent months, but she still wanted to be a part of her parents’ lives. To bring the large dog out of the house where she could get some fresh air and a change of scenery, the couple designed a mobile dog bed. “My wife and I came up with a way, with a mechanics creeper (机械爬行器) and something like that, to take her for walks,” Tom said. “We had rope and a bed and we’d bring her out.”

With Cocoa settled comfortably on her bed, Tom pulled the device on a leash so she could enjoy all the places their family loves. They took trips to the dog park and often travelled from their home in Georgia to Virginia Beach, their favorite place.

During one of these outings to the beach, Tom ran into a local people named Carrie Copenhaver. Carrie was blown away by their creative solution to Cocoa’s mobility issues, so she asked if she could take a picture of them to share online. Tom, who doesn’t use Facebook, agreed. Little did he know, the post would go viral with millions of views!

Sadly, Cocoa passed away not long after taking her final trip to the beach, but Carrie’s picture is bringing their family comfort in their time of need. 


1.What caused Cocoa to move with difficulty?

A The overweight.

B The leg disability.

C The old age.

D An unknown sickness.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,Tom Antonino和Lauren Slepin照顾狗狗可可(Cocoa )16年,已是暮年的可可渐渐变得行动迟缓。故选C。

2.What did the couple do to solve Cocoa’s problem?

A They asked a vet for help.

B They took her to the hospital.

C They bought a mechanics creeper.

D They built a mobile device for her.

解析:选D。D细节理解题。根据第二段To bring the large dog out of the house where she could get some fresh air and a change of scenery, the couple designed a mobile dog bed.可知,为了把这只大狗带出屋外,让它呼吸新鲜空气,换个环境,这对夫妇设计了一个可移动的狗床。故选D。

3.According to Paragraph 4, we know that_____.

A Tom was interviewed on social media.

B Tom shared Cocoa’s pictures on Facebook.

C The issue has been brought to public attention.

D Carrie Copenhaver cured Cocoa of her illness.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据第四段可知,在一次去海滩的郊游中,汤姆遇到了一个叫Carrie Copenhaver的本地人。Carrie给他们拍照并征得汤姆的同意在网上发帖分享。这篇帖子以数百万的浏览量疯传。由此说明可可的事情引起了公众的注意。故选C。

4.What can we learned from the passage?

A There is always true love in the world.

B It’s never easy to say goodbye to pets.

C Cocoa’s story tells us the miracle of love.

D Tom and Lauren gave Cocoa a wonderful life.
