
Japan says it will start releasing radioactive (放射性的) water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear center into the sea beginning in two years. The polluted water is to be treated before it is released into the Pacific Ocean. The government announced the plan Tuesday and said it had been approved by cabinet ministers. The decision had long been expected, but faced delays linked to safety concerns and public opposition.

Japan has said the water release is necessary to move forward with cleanup efforts at the Fukushima nuclear center. Three reactors (反应堆) there suffered meltdowns after the 2011 earthquake and huge ocean wave destroyed the plant’s cooling systems. The disaster forced 160,000 people to flee polluted areas around the plant. Tokyo Electric Power Company, or TEPCO, operates the nuclear center. It is carrying out the cleanup. TEPCO said Fukushima will run out of all its storage space for radioactive water by late 2022.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said the government had decided the ocean release was the most realistic way to solve the water storage problem. Other methods considered included injecting the water into the ground or converting it to steam or hydrogen and then releasing it into the atmosphere.

The government describes the water to be released as “treated” and not “radioactive”. But experts say that 100 percent of radioactive materials cannot be removed. Government officials say tritium (氚) is the only substance that cannot be removed from the water. They say tritium is not considered harmful in small amounts.

The officials say all other radioactive materials in the water can be reduced to releasable levels. The exact amount of radioactive material that would remain in the water is not known. Some scientists say the long-term effects on ocean life from large amounts of such treated water also remains unknown. Fishermen and many people living in the area strongly oppose the plan. They have said releasing the water into the ocean could cause widespread damage to Fukushima’s fishing and agriculture industries.


1.What can we know from Paragraph One?

A The Japan government decides to restart the nuclear power plant.

B Fukushima nuclear center will be given up by the government.

C The plan of releasing radioactive water will be carried out in two years.

D Fukushima nuclear center won’t store the polluted water any more.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据文章第一段Japan says it will start releasing radioactive (放射性的) water from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear center into the sea beginning in two years.可知,日本将在两年内开始从被摧毁的福岛核中心向海里排放核污水。故选C。

2.What is the reason given by TEPCO for polluted water release?

A The equipment needs to be updated.

B The water has been treated harmlessly.

C The local storage capacity is limited.

D The nuclear center needs to be relocated.

解析:选C。C细节理解题。根据文章第二段TEPCO said Fukushima will run out of all its storage space for radioactive water by late 2022.可知,东京电力公司表示到2022年底,福岛将耗尽所有的放射性水储存空间。故选C。

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A TEPCO claims that they are able to deal with radioactive materials.

B The government said that there would be little effects on ocean life.

C There are no other ways considered to deal with the radioactive water.

D The polluted water will still contain radioactive materials before being released.


4.What’s the attitude of the local people towards the release?

A Neutral.

B Positive.

C Negative.

D Indifferent.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Fishermen and many people living in the area strongly oppose the plan.可知,渔民和许多生活在该地区的人强烈反对这一计划。由此推断当地人对核污水排放持否定态度。故选C。