4岁自闭症听障女孩沙漠走失 男子梦境指引成功获救
4岁自闭症听障女孩沙漠走失 男子梦境指引成功获救
On Friday, Molly, who has autism (自闭症) and poor hearing, disappeared from a remote Northern Territory area. Local police set out on foot, and prepared a helicopter, drones and police dogs. The search party increased to "between 50 and 70 people" searching for Molly in the hot desert.
  "There was a tracker (追踪者) from the community that was out on Friday night. He came across a small bicycle that was on the side of the sand hills and tried to follow the tracks. But unluckily the four-year-old girl, little Molly, walked over on rocks," said Miss Kenny, a Titjikala community resident and family member. "He said, 'She's somewhere out there, I can't find her, the track is gone. I'll do it again tomorrow'."

  They had no luck finding Mollyand then a community member's strange dream provided the answer. "A young man had a dream which showed him where she was, and he led us straight to her," Kenny said. She said the young man had planned to go to Alice Springs but stayed to help search after his dream.

He led the rescue team straight to Molly who was found sitting on a small hill with her dog on the edge of the Simpson Desert. She had walked about 5 miles from where she was last seen by family on Friday. In a statement, Northern Territory Police said the young girl was now having health checks but appears well.


1.What did the police do after Molly was missing?

A They came to her home.

B They visited her community.

C They got in touch with her parents.

D They walked there to look for her.


2.What can we know about the tracker?

A He gave up searching at last.

B He got nothing in the desert.

C He found some foot tracks.

D He met Molly before she was out.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段He came across a small bicycle that was on the side of the sand hills and tried to follow the tracks, but unluckily the four-year-old girl, little Molly, walked over on rocks以及the track is gone可知,一名社区搜索者无意中发现沙丘边上的一辆小自行车,试图沿着足迹走,但不幸的是,四岁的小女孩莫莉走上了岩石,足迹不见了。由此推断他找到了一些足迹。故选C。

3.How did the young man know where Molly was?

A He saw Molly at Alice Springs.

B He was told something about Molly.

C He had a strange dream about Molly.

D He discovered her tracks on a small hill.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段They had no luck finding Molly, and then a community member's strange dream provided the answer.可知,搜索队没有运气找到莫莉,但一个社区成员的神秘梦境给出了答案,故选C。

4.What might be the end of the story?

A Molly walked back home alone.

B Molly was found safe and sound.

C The police had to stop the search.

D The rescue team returned with nothing.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第四段In a statement, Northern Territory Police said the young girl was now having health checks but appears well.可知,北领地警方在一份声明中说,这名小女孩现在正在进行健康检查,但看上去很好,由此推测莫莉被找到时可能安然无恙。故选B。