狗主人遛狗突发疾病 英雄犬机智拦车求救
狗主人遛狗突发疾病 英雄犬机智拦车求救

Haley Moore was walking Clover, a one-year-old dog, through their neighborhood in Ottawa when suddenly she began to have a seizure (癫痫). "All I remember is waking up in the ambulance (救护车) and being really confused; just like what is going on," Moore said.

What happened in between was surprising and it was all caught on a home's security camera. The video shows Haley falling down on the side of the road and Clover immediately jumping into action. Clover first checks on her owner and quickly realizes she needs to get help. So, she heads into the middle of the road and blocks a coming truck's path, forcing the driver to stop and get out. 

"It was really amazing, the dog actually blocked my way. She kind of backed into the road to block my truck," said the driver, Dryden Oatway. Oatway quickly got out of his vehicle to help Haley under Clover's watchful eye. Clover then went to track down the rest of Haley's family to alert them of the situation. When Haley's parents arrived, she was being treated by medical workers.

Haley is doing okay at home, though her family isn't sure what caused the sudden seizure. But Haley says she's happy with the fact that she'll have Clover there to protect her if it ever happens again.


1.What happened to Haley Moore?

A An ambulance hit her.

B She couldn’t see Clover.

C Her dog Clover ran away.

D She lost her sense on the road.

解析:选D。D推理判断题。根据文章第一段All I remember is waking up in the ambulance and being really confused; just like what is going on可知,海莉只记得在救护车里醒来时,感到很困惑;就像发生了什么事情一样。由此说明她在遛狗途中,失去了意识。故选D。

2.________saw the whole process of the incident.

A Haley’s neighbour.

B A home camera.

C Drivers on the road.

D A policeman passing by.

解析:选B。B细节理解题。根据文章第二段What happened in between was surprising and it was all caught on a home's security camera. 可知,其间发生的事情都被一个家庭安防摄像头拍了下来。故选B。

3.What did the driver Oatway probably do?

A He checked on her first.

B He looked for her family.

C He called an ambulance.

D He blocked another truck.

解析:选C。C推理判断题。根据文章第一段第二句"All I remember is waking up in the ambulance(救护车) and being really confused; just like what is going on," Moore said.可知,当海莉醒来时在救护车上。由此推断卡车司机可能帮她叫了救护车,故选C。

4.What can we learn about Clover?

A She loved Haley better than herself.

B She was so bad to cause a traffic jam.

C She brought luck to her owner’s family.

D She helped her owner survive the danger.
