美国高中生发明变色医用缝合线 可检测感染
美国高中生发明变色医用缝合线 可检测感染

17-year-old Dasia Taylor was named one of 40 finalists in the Regeneron Science Talent Search(STS)(雷杰纳隆科学奖), the nation’s most famous science and math competition for high school seniors.
Dasia’s sutures(缝合线) work by changing color if the patients pH level changes, indicating an infection. PH is one of the most common parts of wound healing, Dasia said. It changes very quickly, so it’s one of the fastest ways to recognize infection.
So, she started experimenting with root vegetables. "I found that beet(甜菜) changed color at the perfect pH point," says Taylor. "That's perfect for an infected wound. And so, I was like, 'Oh, okay. So beet is where it's at’. Beet provided the perfect dye for her invention, changing from bright red to dark purple when a surgical wound becomes infected. After more than a year of research, Taylor is working on getting her sutures patented.
She imagines these sutures being used in developing countries where they can save lives and money. "The goal of my project is to reduce the number of deadly surgical site infections in developing countries because developing countries suffer from the most number of deaths due to surgical site infections," she said. "I was like there is no way that that should be happening. The equity part of my brain and all the work that I do around equity was like 'That shouldn't be happening. They should have the resources to save their citizens in their country.' So, my goal is to work on that and make sure that it can actually discover those types of infections and stuff." After graduation, Dasia hopes to attend Howard University, study political science and finally become a lawyer.


1.How can a patient quickly know if a wound is infected?

A By observing the pH test paper.

B By observing the wound changes.

C Through the doctors’ examination.

D By looking at sutures’ color changing.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Dasia's sutures(缝合线) work by changing color if the patients pH level changes, indicating an infection.可知,达西亚的缝合线的工作原理是,如果病人的pH值发生变化,就改变颜色,表明感染。故选D。

2.What did Dasia discover in her experiment?

A Beet has the same PH level.

B Beet can change color at different times.

C Beet therapy is good for wound healing.

D Beet can be used to help her with the invention.


3.What can we learn about Dasia?

A She has won the invention patent.

B She helped save lots of lives and money.

C She became the winner of the Regeneron STS.

D She made contributions to surgical infection prevention.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段The goal of my project is to reduce the number of deadly surgical site infections in developing countries because developing countries suffer from the most number of deaths due to surgical site infections可知,达西亚的项目目标是减少发展中国家致命的外科手术部位感染的数量,因为发展中国家因外科手术部位感染而死亡的人数最多。由此看出达西亚为预防外科感染做出了贡献,故选D。

4.What will Dasia’s future career probably involve?

A Medical and health work.

B Something about the legal aid.

C Medical device development.

D Medical and science research.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段After graduation, Dasia hopes to attend Howard University, study political science and finally become a lawyer.可知,毕业后,达西亚希望进入霍华德大学,学习政治学,并最终成为一名律师。由此推断她的未来职业将会涉及法律援助,故选B。