台铁“太鲁阁号”严重脱轨 已致50人死亡,200人受伤
台铁“太鲁阁号”严重脱轨 已致50人死亡,200人受伤

A train carrying hundreds of people came off the track in Taiwan last Friday, killing at least 50 people. Officials say the train crashed into an unattended truck that had rolled down a hill onto the tracks. The National Fire Service said more than 100 people were injured in the crash— Taiwan’s worst railroad disaster in more than 70 years. It said the number of deaths was likely to rise. “People just fell all over each other, on top of one another,” a woman who survived the crash told a local television station. “It was terrifying. There were whole families there.”
Officials believe the train was carrying more than 400 people. Many passengers were tourists or people traveling to see family ahead of a yearly Qing Ming holiday. The train was traveling from the capital Taipei to the southeastern city of Taitung.
Feng Hui-sheng is deputy director of the Taiwan Railways Administration. He told reporters the train derailed(脱轨) north of the eastern city of Hualien after hitting the truck, which rolled onto the tracks from a nearby building site. “At present it is suspected that the vehicle wasn’t braked properly, and slid for around 20 meters along the site access road,” Feng said. The official added that an investigation had been launched into the crash and police had questioned one person about the truck.
Fire Service officials showed a picture of what appeared to be wreckage of the truck beside the derailed train. Survivors described their terror as the train hit the truck and stopped. “It suddenly came to a stop and then everything shook,” one survivor told local television. “It was all so chaotic.”
The crash happened as the train was entering a tunnel. Many passengers had to be led out of the tunnel to safety, railway officials said. Taiwan’s mountainous east coast is popular with tourists. The railway that travels from Taipei down the coast is known for its tunnels.


1.What directly caused the train crash last Friday?

A A sudden landside.

B Crash into a truck rolling down a hill.

C The track with something wrong.

D The driver’s incorrect operation.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段Officials say the train crashed into an unattended truck that had rolled down a hill onto the tracks.可知,官员们说,火车撞上了一辆无人看管的卡车,这辆卡车从山上滚下来,停在铁轨上,故选B。

2.How were the passengers on the train?

A Some prepared to reunite with their family.

B Some were relaxing themselves at that time.

C They were sleeping when the crash happened.

D Most of them couldn’t believe they survived the disaster.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段Many passengers were tourists or people traveling to see family ahead of a yearly Qing Ming holiday.可知,许多旅客都是游客或是在每年清明假期前去探亲的人。由此说明部分旅客是准备与家人团聚的,故选A。

3.Which is NOT mentioned about the consequence of the accident?

A It resulted in lots of injuries and deaths.

B It brought a huge psychological shadow to the survivors.

C It forced the authorities to change operation mode.

D It created a new record of railroad disasters in Taiwan.


4.What can we learn from the passage?

A The suspect has surrendered himself to the police.

B The passengers on the train have been properly settled.

C The location of the crash is close to a place of interest.

D The investigation has been carried out in an orderly way.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第三段The official added that an investigation had been launched into the crash and police had questioned one person about the truck.可知,警方已经对车祸展开调查,已经询问了一个人关于卡车的情况。故选D。