波士顿动力公司推出首个仓库搬运机器人 每小时搬运800个箱子
波士顿动力公司推出首个仓库搬运机器人 每小时搬运800个箱子

The American robotics company Boston Dynamics is known for YouTube videos of its dog-like “Spot” and humanoid(类人型的) “Atlas” robots. It recently made public a new robot called Stretch. It is designed to do only one job: to move containers, or boxes, in large buildings called warehouses(仓库).
Michael Perry is a manager of business development for Boston Dynamics. He said Stretch is the first robot designed for one job that the company has built. He added that the robot was developed because of requests from companies around the world. “We heard across warehousing that truck unloading is one of the most physically difficult and unpleasant jobs. And that’s where Stretch comes into play,” Perry said.
Stretch has a small base that permits it to move around small spaces in warehouses without having to design them again. The robot also has an arm with highly developed cameras that can identify and deal with boxes of many shapes and sizes. Perry said Stretch can pick up boxes that weigh about 23 kilograms. He adds that the robot can move about 800 boxes in one hour.
Experts say the warehousing industry experienced strong growth in 2020. That growth is expected to continue this year. They say online buying during the COVID-19 health crisis drove the need for a huge expansion in delivery services. Boston Dynamics has not made the public know a price for Stretch. But the company said the system can be set up in present buildings.


1.What can we know about Stretch?

A It can carry out different tasks.

B It is good at lifting heavy objects.

C It is specially designed for companies.

D It can work where people can’t reach.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段It is designed to do only one job: to move containers, or boxes, in large buildings called warehouses(仓库).可知,公司设计Stretch的目的在于在大型仓库中移动集装箱或箱子,故选B。

2.Why did Boston Dynamics develop Stretch?

A To make more money.

B To reduce the product cost.

C To meet other companies’ needs.

D To reduce the work load of workers. 

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第二段He added that the robot was developed because of requests from companies around the world.可知,迈克尔·佩里表示开发这种机器人是因为世界各地公司的要求。由此推断波士顿动力公司为了满足其它公司的需求才开发了这款机器人,故选C。

3.Stretch has many features except that ________.

A it owns a small base

B it works better in a unit time

C it comes in all sizes and shapes

D it is fit for narrow space to operate


4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A Shopping speeds up the birth of Stretch.

B Stretch sale is Boston Dynamics's main business.

C The public have known every information of Stretch.

D Stretch’s growth benefits from increasing online buying.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 Experts say the warehousing industry experienced strong growth in 2020. That growth is expected to continue this year. They say online buying during the COVID-19 health crisis drove the need for a huge expansion in delivery services. 可知,仓储业在2020年经历了强劲增长。这种增长预计将在今年继续。新冠病毒健康危机期间的网购推动了送货服务的巨大扩张。由此说明Stretch的成长得益于网购的增长。故选D。