美国男子37年献血962次 已救助上千人性命
美国男子37年献血962次 已救助上千人性命

Marcos Perez has been donating platelets(血小板) since 1984, right when he became of age to do so. Perez says a transfusion(输血) saved his life when he was born earlier than usual and has been trying to pay it forward ever since. “If someone was there for me, why can’t I be there for someone else?” he said.
That someone was his dad’s working friend, Tony Aguilar. "Back then there was no blood bank," Perez said. "My dad had to go around and ask his family members, my aunts and uncles, cousins, and friends to go donate blood and only one man stepped up to the plate."
Perez has donated 962 times and, every time, his platelets help about three people. His donations alone have touched the lives of 2,888 people. On Thursday, Perez will be rewarded for hitting another record: donating 120 gallons of platelets.
Ashley Frolick, a worker at South Texas Blood & Tissue Center, said that donors like Perez are very important because the need for blood never ends. "Donors like Marcos that come in regularly make sure we have an enough blood supply," Frolick said. "It's really that action that helps patients."


1..When did Marcos Perez donate platelets?

A In the 1960s.

B In the 1970s.

C In the 1980s.

D In the 1990s.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段Marcos Perez has been donating platelets(血小板) since 1984, right when he became of age to do so. 可知,马科斯·佩雷斯从1984年开始捐献血小板,那时他已经到了捐献血小板的年龄。故选C。

2.Why did Perez keep donating platelets?

A To make more money.

B To set a good example.

C To support his family.

D To pass on his love to others.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第一段Perez says a transfusion(输血) saved his life when he was born earlier than usual and has been trying to pay it forward ever since. 可知,佩雷斯当年是个早产儿,输血挽救了他的生命,从那时起,他一直在努力让爱传出去。故选D。

3.Who saved Perez’s life at the early age?

A His cousins.

B His family members.

C His aunts and uncles.

D A friend of his father’s.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段That someone was his dad’s working friend, Tony Aguilar.以及...and only one man stepped up to the plate. 可知,那人是他父亲的工友,托尼·阿吉拉尔,只有他一个人挺身而出为佩雷斯献血,故选D。

4.What can we learn about Perez?

A He decided to donate more platelets.

B He has saved 2,888 people’s lives all together.

C He helped the local area to set up a blood bank.

D He has broken the world’s record of platelet donation.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第三段His donations alone have touched the lives of 2,888 people. 可知,仅他的捐献就涉及了2888人的生命。由此推断他挽救了那些人的生命,故选B。