老外十年来救助泰国流浪狗2000多只 出钱出力为其搭建避难所
老外十年来救助泰国流浪狗2000多只 出钱出力为其搭建避难所

Eleven years ago, Michael J. Baines moved from his home in Sweden to Chonburi in northern Thailand. Michael is a chef, but he quickly learned that the stray dogs and cats in his new town needed to be fed even more than the human residents. He simply couldn’t stand by and watch dozens of abandoned animals starve on the streets. “I feel sad for homeless dogs and want to help them all,” he said. “Especially when I see a lonely dog that does not belong to any pack, probably dumped, which is very common here. I always have food and fresh water in my car, so whenever I see a dog, I stop and give it food and water.”
Over the course of five years, Michael began feeding about 80 stray dogs each and every day. He quickly became known as “the man that feeds dogs,” as he provided sick, malnourished(营养不良的) animals with food, water, and medical care. He paid for all of this out of his own pocket, spending upwards of $1,500 a month and finding homes for 30-40 dogs!
Eventually, The Man That Rescues Dogs became a nonprofit(非盈利) organization, and was run entirely through donations and volunteers. Over a decade later, Michael has rescued more than 2,000 dogs! Many of these animals were badly injured and left for dead, so his team nursed them back to health. The shelter currently has 30 people on staff as well as an army of volunteers, and they’re all dedicated to saving as many abandoned animals as they can. They currently care for about 600 dogs every day, specializing in paralyzed or disabled dogs who require wheelchairs or walkers to get around.
The pictures that the shelter shares on social media are breathtaking. So many of these animals were found broken, yet Michael and his team managed to turn them into healthy, happy little ones ready to start their new life in a forever home!


1.What did Michael do when seeing homeless dogs?

A He turned to residents for help.

B He stood by and watched them.

C He fed them with food and water.

D He drove them home to get food and water.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段I always have food and fresh water in my car, so whenever I see a dog, I stop and give it food and water.可知,迈克尔的车里总是有食物和淡水,所以每当他看到一只狗,他就停下来给它食物和水。故选C。

2.What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A Michael went viral because of his kindness.

B Michael took some sick and weak dogs home.

C Michael spent all his savings to rescue the dogs.

D Michael had to give up his work to feed stray dogs.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段He quickly became known as “the man that feeds dogs,” as he provided sick, malnourished animals with food, water, and medical care.可知,迈克尔作为“喂狗的人”很快出名了,因为他为生病的、营养不良的动物提供食物、水和医疗护理。故选A。

3.How did Michael expand the rescue of stray dogs?

A By creating a partnership system.

B By appealing to the government.

C By setting up a public organization.

D By inviting local residents to participate in it.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章第三段Eventually, The Man That Rescues Dogs became a nonprofit(非盈利) organization, and was run entirely through donations and volunteers. Over a decade later, Michael has rescued more than 2,000 dogs!可知,最终,《拯救狗的人》变成了一个非营利组织,完全通过捐款和志愿者来运作。十多年后,迈克尔救了2000多条狗!由此说明迈克尔是通过建立一个公共组织来扩大救助流浪狗的。故选C。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A There was a shortage of funds for running Michael’s shelter.

B The reports on social media attracted the public attention.

C Michael gave stray animals a second chance to enjoy life.

D Volunteers often dealt with something unexpected in the shelter.

解析:选C。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段So many of these animals were found broken, yet Michael and his team managed to turn them into healthy, happy little ones ready to start their new life in a forever home!可知,这些动物中有很多被发现是残废的,然而迈克尔和他的团队设法把它们变成健康、快乐的小动物,准备在一个永远的家里开始它们的新生活!由此说明迈克尔给了流浪动物再一次享受生活的机会。故选C。