19岁自闭症小伙手写求职信 力证自己有能力工作
19岁自闭症小伙手写求职信 力证自己有能力工作

Lowry is a 2019 graduate of Heritage High School in Virginia. He now enters the Community And Schools Together (CAST) program. To find a job, Lowry wrote a cover letter on LinkedIn. Here is the letter:
February 27, 2021
Dear Future Employer,
    My name is Ryan Lowry. I am 19 years old and live in Leesburg, Virginia. I have autism(自闭症). I also have a good sense of humor. I am good at math, really good with technology, and a really quick learner.
    I am interested in a job in cartoon, or in IT. I realize that someone like you will have to take a chance on me. I don’t learn like other people do. I would need a teacher to teach me, but I learn quickly. Once you explain it, I will get it. I promise that if you hire me and teach me, you’ll be glad what you did. I will show up every day, do what you tell me to do, and work really hard.
    Please let me know if you would like to talk about this with me. Thank you!
Ryan Lowry
Since Lowry posted the letter last month, he has received so many calls from potential (潜在的) employers. He has several interviews scheduled with Fortune 500 companies. Lowry’s parents, Rob and Tracy, couldn’t be more proud of their son. “I lay in bed at night and I cry reading the messages,” Tracy said. “This letter has opened up so many opportunities.”


1.The underlined part in Paragraph 1 means _______ in Chinese.

A 介绍信

B 邀请函

C 推荐信

D 求职信

解析:选D。词义猜测题。根据文章第一段To find a job….可知,洛瑞是为了找工作才写了这封信的,a cover letter意为“求职信”,故选D。

2.Which was NOT introduced in Lowry’s letter?

A His family.

B His character.

C His good points.

D His interest and hobby.


3.What made Lowry different from others in learning?

A He has the spirit of hard work.

B He needs someone to teach him.

C He always learns something by himself.

D He has a strong understanding of new things.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据信件中…I don't learn like other people do. I would need a mentor(导师) to teach me, but I learn quickly, once you explain it, I get it.可知,洛瑞表示他不像别人那样学习,他需要一位导师来教他,但他很快就学会了,一旦对方解释了,他就明白了。由此说明在学习上,他需要有人教导。故选B。

4.What did the letter bring to Lowry?

A The public praise.

B Many job offers.

C A lot of job training.

D Social media interviews.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Since Lowry posted the letter last month, he has received so many calls from potential employers.以及This letter has opened up so many opportunities.可知,洛瑞在发布这封求职信后,他收到了很多潜在雇主的电话,由此说明这封信给他带来了很多工作机会,故选B。