墨西哥城开通首条缆车线路 “电缆巴士”上线!
墨西哥城开通首条缆车线路 “电缆巴士”上线!

Mexico City has its first cable car(缆车). A cable car is a system of cabins(座舱). They hang on a cable. People sit inside. They travel up and down a hill or mountain.
The cable car is in a rocky part of the city. People live far from the city center. The journey to work or school is very long for them.
They can get to the underground in the cable car. People can travel much faster. The cable car has five stations. Ten people can sit in one cabin. The cable car can carry about 96,000 people every day. People are very happy. The cable car changes their lives.


1.Which is a new travel way in Mexico City?

A By car.

B By train.

C By cable car.

D By underground.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句Mexico City has its first cable car(缆车).可知,墨西哥城有了首条缆车。故选C。

2.Which is TRUE about Mexico City?

A It has lots of people.

B It is in a mountain area.

C It doesn’t have any buses.

D It is hard to find work there.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第一段最后一句They travel up and down a hill or mountain.以及第二段第一句The cable car is in a rocky part of the city. 可知,人们乘缆车上山或下山,缆车在城市的一个多岩石的地方。由此推断墨西哥城地处山区,故选B。

3.A cabin of the cable car can hold _______ people.

A 5

B 7

C 8

D 10

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第四句Ten people can sit in one cabin.可知,一个座舱可以坐十个人。故选D。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A The cable car stops every 5 stations.

B More and more people travel by cable car.

C People don’t like living in the city centre.

D People can get to the underground by cable car now.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段第一句They can get to the underground in the cable car.可知,他们可以坐缆车去地铁站,故选D。