肯尼亚紫茶深受大众喜爱 孕育出无限商机
肯尼亚紫茶深受大众喜爱 孕育出无限商机

Purple tea is starting to become popular in Kenya and in other countries although it is twice the price of traditional black tea.
Kenya is the largest producer of black tea in the world. But black tea prices are low right now. Kenyan researchers developed the purple tea and offered it to farmers in 2011. Tea farming is one of the largest industries in the Kenyan economy. The farmers hope purple tea and other new kinds can help them make more money from their land. Other new kinds of tea, like the purple tea, are getting popular. Some people believe the new kinds are healthier than black tea.
Karanja Kinyanjui farms eight hectares of purple tea, along with 40 hectares of black tea. Kinyanjui makes twice as much from the new kind of tea. Bella Gwada likes purple tea. She traveled 42 kilometers from Nairobi to pick the tea. She said it tastes good. “You don’t even need to add sugar. It’s easy to digest and milder than black tea,” she said.
Purple tea contains something known as anthocyanin(花青素), which gives the leaves the purple color, and other things. Some people think the tea helps with weight loss. A person from the Kenya Tea Research Foundation said purple tea can reduce inflammation(炎症) in the body. One tea company is planning to set up a special factory for other kinds of tea in Kenya. 


1.What kind of tea is widely planted in Kenya?

A Black tea.

B Green tea.

C Purple tea.

D Flower tea.

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句Kenya is the largest producer of black tea in the world. 可知,肯尼亚是世界上最大的红茶生产国。故选A。

2.Why does Kenya’s tea farming turn to other kinds?

A To increase the production.

B To meet the market’s needs.

C To improve the tea quality.

D To increase farmers’ earnings.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第四句The farmers hope purple tea and other new kinds can help them make more money from their land.可知,农民们希望紫茶和其他新品种能帮助他们从土地上赚更多的钱,故选D。

3.The last paragraph tells us _______ of purple tea.

A the planting area

B the harvest season

C the daily management

D the advantage


4.What can we know from the passage?

A Kenya tries to develop all kinds of tea kinds.

B Purple tea adds more jobs to people in Kenya.

C Purple tea will be made into a kind of medicine.

D A new business opportunity of tea was born in Kenya.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章第一段内容以及最后一段One tea company is planning to set up a special factory for other kinds of tea in Kenya. 可知,虽然紫茶的价格是传统红茶的两倍,但它在肯尼亚和其他国家开始流行起来。一家茶叶公司计划在肯尼亚建立一家专门生产其他种类茶叶的工厂。由此得出一个新的茶叶商机在肯尼亚诞生了,故选D。