
A cactus(仙人掌) blooms in a botanic garden(植物园) in Cambridge, England, UK. The cactus usually grows in hot and dry places. It has thick green leaves with sharp ends.
This is a very special cactus. It usually grows in Central and South America. Only 13 botanic gardens in the world have this cactus. Its name is Selinecereus. Botanists(植物学家) call it moon flower. The moon flower has beautiful, big flowers. The smell is very strong and sweet. The moon flower blooms for only one night.
Botanists from Cambridge watch the cactus all the week. They do not sleep at night. They want to see the flower. When the cactus blooms, they are very happy. It happens for the first time in the UK. The plant dies after a few hours. The smell changes. The flower smells like old food.


1.The cactus can grow in _______.

A wetlands

B deserts

C mountains

D rivers and lakes

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第一段第二句Cactus usually grows in hot and dry places.可知,仙人掌通常生长在炎热干燥的地方。由此推断沙漠地带适合仙人掌生长,故选B。

2.Selinecereus mainly grows _______.

A in Canada

B in the UK

C in America

D in South Africa

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句It usually grows in Central and South America.可知,它通常生长在中美洲和南美洲,故选C。

3.Which of the following about Selinecereus is TRUE?

A The time of its flower lasts short.

B It smells good and tastes very nice.

C It has lots of flowers in the moonlight.

D It is found in 13 countries in the world.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句The moon flower blooms for only one night.可知,月之花只开一个夜晚,由此说明它的花期持续时间短,故选A。

4.Why do the botanists stay up late at night?

A To study Selinecereus’s smell.

B To watch Selinecereus’s flowers.

C To know how Selinecereus grows up.

D To study the changes of Selinecereus.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段They do not sleep at night. They want to see the flower.可知,植物学家们晚上不睡觉,他们想看看花,故选B。