澳大利亚绵羊在外流浪5年 一次剪下35公斤羊毛
澳大利亚绵羊在外流浪5年 一次剪下35公斤羊毛

Sheep do not normally make news, but a video of a sheep with a huge amount of hair in Australia has been popular on social media. The sheep had gone wild years ago. Someone found him 60 kilometers north of Melbourne. The person contacted Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary near Lancefield, Victoria. The sanctuary rescues and takes care of animals that are lost or abandoned.
The rescuers named the sheep Baarack. Kyle Behrend is the communications manager at the Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary. “It seems that Baarack was once an owned sheep,” said Behrend. He had belonged to an owner before since he had a mark on his ear called a tag, but it seemed to have been torn out by the thick wool around his face.
Sheep’s hair, called wool, needs to be cut every year, Behrend said. If it is not, the wool grows out of control and becomes very heavy. This was the first time that Baarack’s hair had been cut in many years. Shearers(剪羊毛者) removed 35 kilograms of wool from the sheep.
Behrend said, “Baarack’s feet were in great condition from running over the rocks in the forest. He was underweight, and because of all of the wool around his face he could hardly see.” Baarack is now staying with other rescued sheep at the sanctuary, Behrend said. 


1.The sheep drew people’s attention because of _______.

A its age

B its size

C its wool

D its weight

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句Sheep do not normally make news, but a video of a sheep with a huge amount of hair in Australia has been popular on social media.可知,绵羊通常不会制造新闻,但澳大利亚一只长着大量毛发的绵羊的视频在社交媒体上很受欢迎,故选C。

2.What can we know about Baarack ?

A The owner give it up.

B Its information is still unknown.

C Its owner has looked for it for many years.

D It escaped from Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary.

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句He had belonged to an owner before since he had a mark on his ear called a tag, however these seemed to have been torn out by the thick wool around his face.可知,绵羊耳朵上的“标签”记号似乎是被脸上厚厚的羊毛撕掉的。由此推断它的相关信息仍然不明,故选B。

3.Which is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 3?

A When Baarack’s hair was cut.

B The weight of Baarack’s hair.

C How often a sheep’s hair needs to be cut.

D Why Baarack’s hair is out of control.


4.How was Baarack in the end?

A It lost weight.

B It stayed at the sanctuary.

C Its owner took him home.

D It went into the forest.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Baarack is now staying with other rescued sheep at the sanctuary, Behrend said.可知,巴拉克现在和其他获救的羊一起待在庇护所,故选B。