美国水管工急他人所急 赶赴1500英里之外的德州修管道
美国水管工急他人所急 赶赴1500英里之外的德州修管道

Andrew Mitchell is the owner of Mitchell's Plumbing & Heating in Morristown, New Jersey.
Mitchell and his wife, Kisha, drove more than 1,500 miles with their 2-year-old son after hearing that Houston homeowners had to wait weeks to book a plumber(水管工). Mitchell’s apprentice Isaiah also went with them, who works for Mitchell to learn the skills.
Before leaving New Jersey, they bought as many plumbing supplies as they could afford, because those items are now hard to find in Texas. On the drive down, Mitchell connected with local plumbing companies that were looking for help. “By the time we got here, there was already about four or five jobs lined up,” Kisha said. “Since we’ve been here, it has really been nonstop.”
Frozen pipes have caused a lot of damage for Texas homeowners. Many people have been without water for weeks. “Because of the bad weather in Texas, this homeowner had frozen pipes and the pipes burst in at least 4 places,” Mitchell wrote in a Facebook post. “The water leaks(泄露) caused the ceiling to fall down. We came in and repaired the broken pipes within 30 minutes. Now this family can have running water after all this time.”

1.How did Andrew Mitchell go to Houston?

A By train.

B By car.

C By plane.

D By motorbike.

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句Mitchell and his wife, Kisha, drove more than 1,500 miles with their 2-year-old son after hearing that Houston homeowners had to wait weeks to book a plumber(水管工)可知,米切尔和他的妻子,基莎,在听说休斯顿的房主要等上几个星期才能预约水管工后,带着他们2岁的儿子驱车1500多英里,故选B。

2.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “apprentice”?

A 师傅.

B 老板.

C 学徒.

D 搭档.

解析:选C。词义猜测题。根据文章第一段...who works for Mitchell to learn the skills.可知,以赛亚(Isaiah)为米切尔工作,学习技能。故猜测apprentice意为“学徒”,故选C。

3.What did Mitchell do before leaving for Texas?

A He made full preparations.

B He looked for some helpers.

C He bought some items for daily use.

D He connected with local plumbing companies.

解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章第二段Before leaving New Jersey, they bought as many plumbing supplies as they could afford…可知,在离开新泽西州之前,他们买了尽可能多的水管用品,由此推断米切尔他们做好了充分的准备,故选A。

4.What can we learn from the passage?

A People in Texas are in poor conditions.

B The weather made many people stay at home.

C Mitchell often does voluntary work for others.

D Running water supply was cut for some time.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段Frozen pipes have caused a lot of damage for Texas homeowners. Many people have been without water for weeks.可知,冻结的管道给德克萨斯州的房主造成了很大的损失。许多人已经断水好几个星期了。由此说明自来水供应中断了一段时间,故选D。