
Vegans(严格素食者) do not eat anything from animals. A group of people want to support the idea. They make an event called “Veganuary”. Veganuary means that people decide to be vegans all of January.
Some people join Veganuary because they want to be healthier. Some people want to save the lives of animals. Some people become vegans because it is good for the Earth. When somebody decides to become a vegan, he needs a lot of information. He must care about what he eats. Some people are not happy without meat. They can choose organic(有机的) meat.
Many athletes become vegans. They feel stronger. They can train harder. They have more energy. Their friends cannot believe that plants give them so much energy.


1.How long does Veganuary usually last?

A A whole day.

B A whole week.

C A whole month.

D A whole year.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句Veganuary means that people decide to be vegans all of January.可知,Veganuary活动意味着人们决定一整个一月都是素食主义者,活动持续整个月,故选C。

2.People join Veganuary for reasons except _____.

A losing weight

B saving the Earth

C keeping healthier

D saving the animals’ lives

解析:选A。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Some people join Veganuary because they want to be healthier. Some people want to save the lives of animals. Some people become vegan because it is good for the Earth.可知,有些人加入Veganuary活动是因为他们想更健康。有些人想拯救动物的生命。有些人成为素食主义者是因为它对地球有益。文中未提及他们想减肥,故选A。

3.Which of the following is TRUE?

A Athletes cannot become vegans.

B Vegans sometimes eat a little meat.

C Some vegans can be good athletes.

D Plants can give people enough energy.

解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句Their friends cannot believe that plants give them so much energy.可知,运动员的朋友不敢相信植物能给他们这么多能量。由此推断植物能够给人们提供足够的能量,故选D。

4.You can probably find the text _______.

A in a story book

B in a health magazine

C in a news report

D in a textbook

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章全文内容可知,本文是有关Veganuary 纯素一月活动的介绍,所以最有可能刊载在健康杂志上,故选B。