3年级男孩开设免费食品储藏室 供受疫情影响的人使用
3年级男孩开设免费食品储藏室 供受疫情影响的人使用

Eagle Jayagoda and his family have always found ways to help their community, so when the COVID-19 hit and left many people without food, the third-grader immediately started thinking about how he could help.
Inspired by the tiny libraries around California, he came up with the “Little Free Food Table”, where his neighbours could leave food for others to get for free! Not only did Eagle set up the table himself, but he also did most of the work! He created colorful signs that said, “Take what you need.” Then, he sat outside to manage the small collection, offering help to anyone who might need it.
  In order to stock the table, Eagle began recycling bottles and using his earnings to buy as much food as he could. Not to mention, his community stepped up by regularly donating dry goods. Even when some COVID-19 restrictions(限制) began to lift, Eagle wasn’t ready to take away his community food table; in fact, he wanted to change it! When his 8th birthday was coming, all he asked was to change his wonderful act of kindness into a food pantry(储藏室) so everyone could get it 24 hours a day!
Who could refuse such a sweet birthday wish? His parents helped him turn his dream into a reality, and they soon opened the pantry for business. “As parents, we really think it’s a great way to teach him about empathy(同理心) and sharing things, even though we don’t have much,” his mom Achala said. “We hope he will become even more generous in the future.”


1.How did Eagle Jayagoda come up with his charity project?

A He learned from his neighbours.

B His school asked him to do so.

C His parents told him about it.

D He got the idea from another project.

解析:选D。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Inspired by the tiny libraries around California, he came up with the “Little Free Food Table”…可知,受加州周围小图书馆的启发,他想出了“免费小饭桌”这一公益项目,故选D。

2.How did Eagle develop his charity project? ① Eagle made signs. ② Eagle set up a table. ③ Eagle did some recycling. ④ Eagle saved things at home.

A ①②

B ①②③

C ①②④

D ①②③④

解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段Not only did Eagle set up the table himself, but he also did most of the work! He created colorful signs that said, “Take what you need.” Then, he sat outside to manage the small collection, offering help to anyone who might need it.以及第三段第一句In order to stock the table, Eagle began recycling bottles and using his earnings to buy as much food as he could.内容可知,伊格尔不仅自己摆好了桌子,而且还做了大部分的工作,他创作了五颜六色的标语,坐在外面管理这一小批物品,为了使桌上有存货,伊格尔开始回收瓶子,并用自己的收入尽可能多地购买食物,故选B。

3.What’s Eagle’s birthday wish?

A His parents will support his plan.

B People can go out to travel freely.

C He can have a place to store food.

D The community will also share things.

解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句When his 8th birthday was coming, all he asked was to change his wonderful act of kindness into a food pantry(储藏室) so everyone could get it 24 hours a day!可知,当他8岁生日来临时,伊格尔所要求的就是把他那美妙的善举变成一个食品储藏室,故选C。

4.Eagle’s parents thought _______ to help realize his dream.

A it’s a growing experience

B it’s a good time for education

C it’s a start for business

D it’s an important social practice

解析:选B。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段As parents, we really think it’s a great way to teach him about empathy(同理心) and sharing things, even though we don’t have much…可知,伊格尔母亲阿查拉(Achala )表示作为父母,他们真的认为这是一个很好的方式来教他同理心和分享东西,由此推断他们是把帮助儿子实现生日愿望当做是一次受教育的契机,故选B。